Publications Scientifiques
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Vous pouvez également consulter le tableau suivant (période 2011-2016).
- CI : Conférence Invitée
- RICL : Revue Internationale avec Comité de Lecture
- CACI : Communication avec Acte, Congrès International
- CACN : Communication avec Acte, Congrès National
- AR: Autres Revues
- OUV/CHAP : Ouvrages ou Chapitres d’Ouvrages
Publication | Type | Année | Axe |
Y. Forterre, P. Marmottant, C. Quilliet, and X. Noblin, ; "Physics of rapid movement in plants, Europhysics News 47, 27-30. | RICL | 2016 | MDFC |
Snook B., Butler, J. E., Guazzelli, E. ; "Dynamics of shear-induced migration of spherical particles in oscillatory pipe flow, J. Fluid Mech. 786, 128153. | RICL | 2016 | MDFC |
M. P. L. Sentis, F.R.A. Onofri, L. Méès, S. Radev, ; "Scattering of light by large bubbles: Coupling of geometrical and physical optics approximations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 170, 8-18 | RICL | 2016 | MDFC |
S. Barbosa, L. Couëdel, C. Arnas, K. K. Kumar, C. Pardanaud, F.R.A. Onofri, ; "In-situ characterization of the dynamics of a growing dust particle cloud in a direct-current argon glow discharge, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 49, 045203 | RICL | 2016 | MDFC |
Gheribi, A.E., Autissier, E., Gardarein, J.-L., Richou, M. ; "Thermal transport properties of multiphase sintered metals microstructures. The copper-tungsten system: Experiemnts and modeling", 2016, Applied Physics Letters, 119, pp. 145104. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Louzguiti, A., Zani, L., Ciazynski D., Turck, B., Topin, F. ; "Development of an analytical-oriented extensive model for AC coupling losses in multi-layer superconducting composites", 2016, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26, pp. 1051-8223. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F. ; "Thermal conductivity correlations of open-cell foams: Extension of Hashin-Shtrikman model and introduction of effective solid phase tortuosity", 2016, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 92, pp. 539-549. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Guévelou, S., Rousseau, B., Domingues, G., Vicente, J., Caliot, C., ; "Representative elementary volumes required to characterize the normal spectral emittance of silicon carbide foams used as volumetric solar absorbers", 2016, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 93, pp. 118-129. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Samuel Pardo-Alonso, Jerome Vicente, Eusebio Solórzano, Miguel Ángel Rodriguez-Perez, Dirk Lehmhus ; "Geometrical Tortuosity 3D Calculations in Infiltrated Aluminium", 2016, Cellular Materials, Procedia Materials Science, 4, pp. 145-150. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Kocan, M., Reichle, R., Aumeunier, M.-H., Gunn, J. P., Kajita, S., Le Guern, F., Lisgo, S. W., Loarer, T., Kukushkin, A. S., Sashala Naik, A., Rigollet, F., Stratton, B. ; "First results on modelling of ITER infrared images", Physica ScriPTa, pp.14047. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Fouatih, O.M., Medale, M., Imine, O., Imine, B., "Design oPTimization of the aerodynamic passive flow control on NACA 4415 airfoil using vortex generators", 2016, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 56, pp. 82-96. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Sarraf, K., Launay, S., Tadrist, L., ; "Analysis of enhanced vapor desuperheating during condensation inside a plate heat exchanger", 2016, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 105, pp. 96-108. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
J. Denis, B. Pégourié, J. Bucalossi, H. Bufferand, G. Ciraolo, J-L. Gardarein, J. Gaspar, C. Grisolia, E. Hodille, M. Missirlian, E. Serre, P. Tamain ; "Wall surface temperature calculation in the SolEdge2D-EIRENE tansport code", 2016, Physica ScriPTa, T167, pp. 14073. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Y. Addab, C. Martin, C. Pardannaud, J. Khayadjian, K. Achkasov, D. Kogut, G. Cartry, G. Giacometti, M. Cabié, J-L. Gardarein, P. Roubin ; "Formation of thin tungsten oxide layers: characterization and exposure to deuterium", 2016, Physica ScriPTa, T167, pp. 14036. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Gaspar, J., Rigollet, F., Gardarein, J.-L., Le Niliot, C., Corre, Y. ; "In-situ estimation of the thermal resistance of carbon deposits in the JET tokamak", 2016, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 104, pp. 292-303. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Kalifa, R.B., Habli, S., Saïd, N.M., Bournot, H., Palec, G.L. ; "Parametric analysis of a round jet impingement on a heated plate", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 57, pp. 11-23. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Carle F., Semenov S., Medale M., Brutin D. ; "Contribution of convective transport to evaporation of sessile droplets: Empirical model", Int. J. Thermal Sciences, vol. 101, pp. 35-47, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
Laux D., Ferrandis J-Y., Brutin D. ; "Ultrasonic monitoring of droplets' evaporation: application to human whole blood", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, underpress, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | PT |
V. Rodriguez, R. Saurel, G. Jourdan, L. Houas ; "On the impulsive dispersion of a granular medium layer by a weak blast wave", à paraitre dans Shock Waves, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | ECOCI |
A.M. Schreyer, J.-P. Dussuage, E. Krämer ; "Characterization of an incipiently separated shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction", Shock Waves, Vol. 26, N° 2, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | ECOCI |
A. K Ait Oumeziane, B. Liani and J. D. Parisse ; "Non-equilibrium modeling of UV laser induced plasma on a copper target in the presence of Cu+2", Phys. Plasmas 23, 033502, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | ECOCI |
S. Coumar R. Joussot, J. D. Parisse and V. Lago ; "Influence of a plasma actuator on aerodynamic forces over a flat plate interacting with a rarefied Mach 2 flow", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow (accepté Janvier , 2016.) | RICL | 2016 | ECOCI |
R. Saurel, P. Boivin & O. Le Métayer ; "A general formulation for cavitating, boiling and evaporating flows", Computers and Fluids, Vol. 128, pp. 53-64, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | ECOCI |
H. Chu, M. Gu, J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu, H. Zhou ; "Effects of total pressure on non-grey gas radiation transfer in oxy-fuel combustion using the LBL, SNB, SNBCK, WSGG, and FSCK methods", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 172, pp. 24-35, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
V. Kez, F. Liu, J.L. Consalvi, J. Ströhle, B. Epple ; "A comprehensive evaluation of different radiation models in a gas turbine combustor under conditions of oxy-fuel combustion with dry recycle", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 172, pp. 121-133, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
F. Escudero, A. Fuentes, R. Demarco, J.-L. Consalvi, F. Liu, J.C. Elicer-Cortés, C. Fernandez-Pello ; "Effects of oxygen index on soot production and temperature in an ethylene inverse diffusion flame", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Available online, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, O. Jalbaud, Y. Burtschell, A.H. Alaoui ; "New approach to determine the plastic viscosity of SCC", Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
P. K. Tiam, G. Tchuen, Y. Burtschell ; "An accurate shock-capturing scheme based on rotated-hybrid Riemann solver", AUFSRR scheme, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol.26, Iss 3, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
R. Ben Kalifa, S. Habli, N. M. Said, H. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Parametric analysis of a round jet impingement on a heated plate", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 57, pp. 11-23, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Performance Optimization of Water-Cooled Concentrated Photovoltaic System", Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 37, pp. 76-81, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
A. Amanou, S. Habli, N. M. Said, P. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Computational study of mixing behaviour of a turbulent jet issuing in a uniform counterflow at low velocity ratios", Journal of Turbulence, vol. 17, pp. 237-251, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
F. Candelier and B. Mehlig ; "Settling of an asymmetric dumbbell in a quiescent fluid", Journal of Fluid Mechanics (to appear). | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira ; "Effects of soot absorption coefficientPlanck function correlation on radiative heat transfer in oxygen-enriched propane turbulent diffusion flame", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 172, pp. 50-57, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira, D. Burot ; "Simulations of sooting turbulent jet flames using a hybrid flamelet/stochastic Eulerian field method", Combustion Theory and Modelling, vol. 20, pp. 221-257, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira ; "Transported Scalar PDF Modelling of Oxygen-Enriched Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames: Soot Production and Radiative Heat Transfer"Fuel, vol. 178, pp. 37-48, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
A. Kacem, M. Mense, Y. Pizzo, G. Boyer, S. Suard, P. Boulet, G. Parent, B. Porterie ; "A fully coupled fluid/solid model for open air combustion of horizontally-oriented PMMA samples", Combustion and Flame (to appear) | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
M. Mense, Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, J-C. Loraud, B. Porterie ; "Thermal response of an unprotected structural steel element exposed to a solid rocket propellant fire", IJTS (to appear). | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
K. Varrall, H. Pretrel, S. Vaux, O. Vauquelin ; "Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) investigation of the bidirectional natural convection flow through a horizontal vent", Fire Technology (to appear). | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
A. Koched, H. Pretrel, O. Vauquelin L. Audouin ; "Experimental determination of the discharge flow coefficient at a doorway for fire induced flow in natural and mixed convection", Fire and Materials, vol. 40, pp. 114-128, 2016. | RICL | 2016 | CRGC |
P. G. Rognon, T. Miller, B. Metzger, I. Einav ; "Long range wall perturbations in dense granular flows, Journal of Fluid Mech., 764, p. 171-192. | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Chrust, C. Dauteuille, T. Bobinski, J. Rokicki, S. Goujon-Durand, J.E. Wesfreid, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Effect of inclination on the transition scenario in the wake of fixed disks and flat cylinders, J. Fluid Mech., 770, 189-209. | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
Y. Zhou, P. Ruyer, P. Aussillous ; "Discharge flow of a bidisperse granular media from a silo: discrete particle simulations, Physical Review E 92, 062204. | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
S. Barbosa, G. Pilla, D. A. Lacoste, P. Scouflaire, S. Ducruix, C. O. Laux, D. Veynante ; , "Influence of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges on the stability of a swirled propane/air burner representative of an aeronautical combustor, Philo. Trans. R. London A 373, 20150074 | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Sentis, F.R.A. Onofri, O. Dhez, J.-Y. Laurent, F. Chauchard ; "Organic photo sensors for multi-angle light scattering characterization of particle systems, Opt. Express 23, 27536-27541 | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, K. F. Ren, M. Sentis, Q. Gaubert, C. Pelcé ; "Experimental validation of the vectorial complex ray model on the inter-caustics scattering of oblate droplets, Opt. Express 23, 15768-15773 | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
G. Gouesbet, F.R.A. Onofri ; 2014, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 162, 1-7 "Preface: Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP), | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
S. Dagois?Bohy, S. Hormozi, E. Guazzelli, O. Pouliquen ; "Rheology of dense suspensions of non?colloidal spheres in yield?stress fluids, J. Fluid Mech. 776 R2 (2015). | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
F. Guillard,Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Origin of a depth?independent drag force induced by stirring in granular media. Phys. Rev. E 91, 022201 (2015). | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
W. J. T. Bos, B. Kadoch & K. Schneider ; "Angular Statistics of Lagrangian Trajectories in Turbulence", Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 214502, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
C. Bouchenna, M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, ; "Investigation of Thermo-Capillary Flow Inside an Evaporating Pinned Water Droplet",Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 3. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F., ; "Impact of anisotropy on geometrical and thermal conductivity of metallic foam structures", 2015, Journal of Porous Media, 18, pp. 949-970. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Abdedou, A., Bouhadef, K., Topin, F. ; "Numerical analysis of Heat Exchange in a porous channel with heat generation and Local Thermal Nonequilibrium", 2015, Heat Transfer Research, 46, pp. 969-994. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Dario, E.R., Tadrist, L., Oliveira, J.L.G., Passos, J.C., "Measuring maldistribution of two-phase flows in multi-parallel microchannels", 2015, Applied Thermal Engineering, 91, pp. 924-937. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F., Tadrist, L., ; "Geometrical characterization of Kelvin-like metal foams for different strut shapes and porosity", 2015, Journal of Porous Media, 18, pp. 637-652. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Maatar, A., Chikh, S., Ait Saada, M., Tadrist, L., :"Transient effects on sessile droplet evaporation of volatile liquids", 2015, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 86, pp. 212-220. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Pardo-Alonso, S., Solórzano, E., Vicente, J., Brabant, L., Dierick, M.L., Manke, I., Hilger, A., Laguna, E., Rodriguez-Perez, M.A. ; "µCT-Based Analysis of the Solid Phase in Foams: Cell Wall Corrugation and other Microscopic Features", 2015, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, pp. 1361-1371. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Bossa, N., Chaurand, P., Vicente, J., Borschneck, D., Levard, C., Aguerre-Chariol, O., Rose, J. ; "Micro- and nano-X-ray computed-tomography: A step forward in the characterization of the pore network of a leached cement paste", 2015, Cement and Concrete Research, 67, pp. 138-147. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Guévelou, S., Rousseau, B., Domingues, G., Vicente, J., Caliot, C., Flamant, G. ; "Evolution of the homogenized volumetric radiative properties of a family of α-SiC foams with growing nominal pore diameter", 2015, Journal of Porous Media, 18, pp. 1031-1045. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
J. Reimann, E. Brun, C. Ferrero, J. Vicente ; "Pebble bed structures in the vicinity of concave and convex walls", 2015, Fusion Engineering and Design, 98, pp. 1855-1858. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Pham, P., Metzger, B., Butler, J.E. ; "Particle dispersion in sheared suspensions: Crucial role of solid-solid contacts", 2015, Physics of Fluids, 27, pp. 4919728. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Medale, M., Cerisier, P. ; "Influence of container shape and size on surface-tension-driven Bénard convection,European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 224, pp. 217-227; 2015. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Bouzeid W., Brutin D. ; "Beyond Tanner's law: role of contact line evaporation on the spreading of viscous droplet", Interf. Phen. Heat Transfer, vol. 3 (3), 221-229, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Medale, M., Cochelin, B. ; "High performance computations of steady-state bifurcations in 3D incompressible fluid flows by AsymPTotic Numerical Method", 2015, Journal of Computational Physics, 299, pp. 581-596. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Lalanne, N., Krapez, J.-C., Le Niliot, C., Briottet, X., Pierro, J., Labarre, L. ; "Development and validation of a numerical tool for simulating the surface temperature field and the infrared radiance rendering in an urban scene", 2015, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 12, pp. 196-218. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Sarraf, K., Launay, S., El Achkar, G., Tadrist, L. ; "Local vs global heat transfer and flow analysis of hydrocarbon complete condensation in plate heat exchanger based on infrared thermography", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90, 2015, pp. 878-893. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
K. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Complex 3D-flow analysis and corrugation angle effect in plate heat exchanger", 2015, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 94, pp.126-138. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Gheribi, A.E., Gardarein, J.-L., Autissier, E., Rigollet, F., Richou, M., Chartrand, P., ; "Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of sintered tungsten: Evidence of a critical behaviour with porosity", 2015, Applied Physics Letters, 107, pp. 94102. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Corre, Y., Dejarnac, R., Gardarein, J.-L., Gaspar, J., Escourbiac, F., Gauthier, E., Gunn, J.-P., Komm, M., Lipa, M., Loarer, T., Missirlian, M., Rigollet, F. ; "Heat flux distribution and gyro-radius smoothing effect on misaligned CFC tile in the Tore Supra tokamak", 2015, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463, pp. 832-836. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Autissier, E., Richou, M., Minier, L., Gardarein, J.-L., Bernard, F., ; "Elaboration and thermomechanical characterization of W/Cu functionally graded materials produced by Spark Plasma Sintering for plasma facing components", Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, pp. 1929-1932, 2015,. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Assoudi, A., Habli, S., Mahjoub Saïd, N., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Three-dimensional study of turbulent flow characteristics of an offset plane jet with variable density", 2015, Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 1-17. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Assoudi A., Habli S., Mahjoub Saïd N., Bournot H., Le Palec G., "Experimental and numerical study of an offset jet with different velocity and offset ratios", 2015, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 9, pp. 490-512. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Ben Hamza, S., Habli, S., Mahjoub Saïd, N., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Simulation of pollutant dispersion of a free surface flow in coastal water", 2015, Ocean Engineering, 108, pp. 81-97. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Kalifa, R.B., Habli, S., Saïd, N.M., Bournot, H., Palec, G.L. ; "The effect of coflows on a turbulent jet impacting on a plate", 2015, Applied Mathematical Modelling. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Habli, S., Mahjoub Saïd, N., Le Palec, G., Bournot, H. ; "Numerical study of a turbulent plane jet in a coflow environment", 2014, Computers and Fluids, 89, pp. 20-28. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Ayech, S.B.H., Habli, S., Saïd, N.M., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Effect of the coflow stream on a plane wall jet", Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 1685-1697, 2014 . | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Kalifa, R.B., Habli, S., Saïd, N.M., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Numerical and experimental study of a jet in a crossflow for different velocity ratio", 2014, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 36, pp. 743-762. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
S. Aggoune, C. Abid, M. Amara ; "The effect of vortex formation on the surface quality for the nitrogen fusion laser cutting process of stainless,"Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 11, pp. 115-125. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Haddad, Z., Abid, C., Mohamad, A.A., Rahli, O., Bawazer, S. ; "Natural convection of silica water nanofluids based on experimental measured thermophysical properties: critical analysis", 2015, Heat and Mass Transfer. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
Souzy, M., Yin, X., Villermaux, E., Abid, C., Metzger, B. ; "Super-diffusion in sheared suspensions", Physics of Fluids, 27, pp. 41705, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
M. Medale and P. Cerisier ; "Influence of container shape and size on Surface-Tension-Driven Bénard Convection", Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, Vol. 224, pp. 217227, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | PT |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, M. Vandenboomgaerde, D. Souffland, & L. Houas ; "On the possibility of studying the converging Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in a conventional shock tube", Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 52, issue 2:26, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, A. Chinnayya, A. Hadjadj, E. Del Prete, J.-F. Haas, N. Rambert, D. Counilh & S. Faure ; "Analysis of shock wave propagation in aqueous foams using shock tube experiments", Physics of Fluids, 27, 056101, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
D.B. Mandumpala, C. Habchi, E. Daniel "Atomization modelling of liquid jets using a two-surface-density approach", Atomization and Sprays, Vol.25(1), p.47-80, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
A. Bultel, J. Annaloro, M.-C. Druguet ; "Dissociative Recombination in Reactive Flows Related to Planetary Atmospheric Entries",European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, 84, 06005, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
A. Chauvin, E. Daniel, A. Chinnayya, J. Massoni, G. Jourdan ; "Shock waves in sprays: numerical study of secondary atomization and experimental comparison", Shock Wave, 10.1007/s00193-015-0593-0, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
E. Y. Gatapova, R. A. Filipenko, Yu V. Lylin, I. A. Graur, I. V. Marchuk, O. A. Kabov ; "Experimetal investigation of tepmerature fields in two layer system liquid-gas", Thermophysics and Aeromecanics, v.22, N6, 701-706, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, T. Manzo, M. T. Ho, I. Graur, and M. Greiner ; "Effects of Gas Rarefaction on Used Nuclear Fuel Cladding Temperatures during Vacuum Drying", Nuclear Technology Journal, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
F. Nasri, M. Echouchene, F. Ben Aissa, I. Graur, H. Belmabrouk ; "Investigation of Self-Heating Effects in a 10-nm SOI-MOSFET With an Insulator Region Using Electrothermal Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62(8):2410-2415, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
M.T. Ho, I. Graur ; "Heat transfer through rarefied gas confined between two concentric spheres", International Journal of Heat and mass transfer, 58, v 90, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, J.G. Méolans ; "A new method to measure the thermal slip coefficient, International Journal of Heat and mass transfer", 88, 766-774, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
E.Ya. Gatapova, I. Graur, F. Sharipov, O.Kabov ; "The temperature and pressure jumps at the vaporliquid interface: Application to a two-phase cooling system", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83, 235243, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, T. Veltzke, J. G. Méolans, M. T. Ho, J. Thöming ; "The gas flow diode effect : theoretical and experimental analysis of moderately rarefied gas flows through a microchannel with varying cross section", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 1-12, DOI 10.1007/s10404-014-1445-4, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
A.-M. Schreyer, L. Larchevêque and P. Dupont ; "Method for spectra estimation from high-speed experimental data"AIAA Journal, pages 112, DOI 10.2514/1.J054370, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
A.-M. Schreyer, J. Lasserre, and P. Dupont ; "Development of a dual-piv system for high-speed flow applications", Experiments in Fluids, 56(10):112, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
L. Agostini, L. Larchevêque, and P. Dupont ; "Sources of shock unsteadiness in separated shock/boundary layer interactions", Physics of Fluid 27:126103, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | ECOCI |
F. Duplan, A. Abou-Chakra, A. Turatsinze, G. Escadeillas,S. Brulé, E. Javelaud, F. Massé ; "On the use of European and American building codes with low-strength mortars", Structural Concrete, vol. 16, pp. 36-44, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "Numerical study of the effects of pressure on soot formation in laminar coflow n-heptane/air diffusion flames between 1 to 10 atm", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 32, pp. 1727-1734, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "A database of narrow-band parameters for fuels commonly encountered in fire applications", Fire Safety Journal, vol. 78, pp. 202-218, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, O. Jalbaud, A.H. Alaoui, Y. Burtschell ; "Marsh cone coupled to a plexiglas horizontal channel: Rheological characterization of cement grout", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 45, pp. 126-134, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, O. Jalbaud, X. Roguiez, A.H. Alaoui, Y. Burtschell ; "Prediction of Self-Compacting Concrete homogeneity by ultrasonic velocity", Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 54(4), pp. 1181-1191, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
F. Fogang, G. Tchuen, Y. Burtschell, P. Woafo, ; "An extension of AUFSR scheme for the ideal magnetohydrodynamics equations", Computers & Fluids, vol. 114, pp. 297-313, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, X. Roguiez, O. Jalbaud, Y. Burtschell, A.H. Alaoui ; "New approach to determine the plastic viscosity of self-compacting concrete", Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 1-11, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, O. Jalbaud, A.H. Alaoui., Y. Burtschell ; "Correlation between the mechanical behavior and the ultrasonic velocity of fiber-reinforced concrete", Construction and Building Materials, vol. 101, pp. 702-709, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Benaicha, X. Roguiez, O. Jalbaud, Y. Burtschell, A. H. Alaoui ; "Influence of silica fume and viscosity modifying agent on the mechanical and rheological behavior of self compacting concrete", Construction and Building Materials, vol. 84, pp. 103-110, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
S. Gavrilyuk, H. Kalisch, S. Horsand ; "A kinematic conservation law in free surface flow", Nonlinearity, vol. 28, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
N. Zekri, Y. Baara, Y. Pizzo, M. Mense, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie, J-P. Clerc ; "Predicting radiation emitted from planar and fractal surfaces", International Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 89, pp. 357-361, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J.K. Adou, ADV Brou, B. Porterie ; "Modeling wildland fire propagation using a semi-physical network model", Case Studies in Fire Safety, vol. 4, pp. 11-19, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Belcaid, G. Le Palec, A. Draoui ; "Numerical and experimental study of horizontal round turbulent forced plume in a static homogeneous environment", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 51, pp. 1731-1746, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
S. Ben Hamza, S. Habli, N. M. Said, H. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Simulation of pollutant dispersion of a free surface flow in coastal water", Ocean Engineering, 108, pp. 81-97, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Belcaid, G. Le Palec, A. Draoui ; "Numerical and experimental study of Boussinesq wall horizontal turbulent jet of fresh water in a static homogeneous environment of salt water", Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. 27, pp. 604-615, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Amanou, S. Habli, N. M. Said, P. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Numerical study of turbulent round jet in a uniform counterflow using a second order Reynolds Stress Model", Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, vol. 9, pp. 482-495, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Ghomrassi, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Numerical study and optimization of parabolic trough solar collector receiver tube", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Transactions of the ASME, vol. 137, 051003, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
Y. Hajji, M. Bouteraa, A. Elcafsi, A. Belghith, P. Bournot and F. Kallel ; "Natural ventilation of hydrogen during a leak in a residential garage", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 50, pp. 810-818, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
O. Tlili, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "Effect of chimney design on flow induced by a heat source in a room", Building Simulation, vol. 8, pp. 567-577, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
Y. Hajji, B. Jouini, M. Bouteraa, A. Elcafsi, A. Belghith and P. Bournot ; "Numerical study of hydrogen release accidents in a residential garage", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 40, pp. 9747-9759, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
O. Abdelhak, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "CFD analysis of thermal stratification in domestic hot water storage tank during dynamic mode", Building Simulation, vol. 8, pp. 421-429, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
N. Khaldi, S. Marzouk, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Distribution characteristics of pollutant transport in a turbulent two-phase flow", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, pp. 6349-6358, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
O. Tlili, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "Airflow induced by a room fire: Effect of roof shape and source location", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 90, pp. 135-149, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "Effect of the Water Storage Tank Coverage With an Outer Glass Tube on the Thermal Performance of an Integrated Collector Storage Solar Water Heater", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Transactions of the ASME, vol. 137, 011009, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
I. Mokni, H. Dhaouad, P. Bournot, H. Mhiri ; "Numerical investigation of the effect of the cylindrical height on separation performances of uniflow hydrocyclone", Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 122, pp. 500-513, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
F. Candelier, J. Einarsson, F. Lundell, B. Mehlig and J. R. Angilella; ; "Role of inertia for the rotation of a nearly spherical particle in a general linear flow", Physical Review E, vol. 91, 053023, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J. Einarsson, F. Candelier, F. Lundell, J. R. Angilella, B. Mehlig ; "Rotation of a spheroid in a simple shear at small Reynolds number", Physics of Fluids, vol. 27, 063301, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J. Einarsson, F. Candelier, F. Lundell, J. R. Angilella, B. Mehlig ; "Effect of weak fluid inertia upon Jeffery orbits", Physical Review E, vol. 91, 041002, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu, J. Contreras, M. Kashif, G. Legros ; "Numerical study of soot formation in laminar coflow diffusion flames of methane doped with primary reference fuels", Combustion and Flame, vol. 162, pp. 1153-1163, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
F. Nmira, J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco, L. Gay ; "Assessment of semi-empirical soot production models in C1-C3 axisymmetric laminar diffusion flames", Fire Safety Journal, vol. 73, pp. 75-90, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
G. Legros, Q. Wang, J. Bonnety, M. Kashif, C. Morin, J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "Simultaneous soot temperature and volume fraction measurements in axis-symmetric flames by a two-dimensional modulated absorption/emission technique", Combustion and Flame, vol. 162, pp. 2705-2719, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Klein, CW. Visser, W. Bouwhuis, H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, J. Snoeijer, E. Villermaux, D. Lohse, H. Gelderblom ; "Laser impact on a drop, Phys. Fluids Letters 27, 091106.*** | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
A. Klein, W. Bouwhuis, CW. Visser, H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, J. Snoeijer, E. Villermaux, D. Lohse, H. Gelderblom ; "Drop shaping by laser-pulse impact, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 044018.*** | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
P. Pham, B. Metzger, J. E. Butler ; "Particle dispersion in sheared suspensions: Crucial role of solid-solid contacts", Phys. Fluids Letters 27, 051701.*** | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Souzy, X. Yin, E. Villermaux, C. Abid, Bloen Metzger ; "Super-diffusion in sheared suspensions, Phys. Fluids, 27, 041705.*** | RICL | 2015 | MDFC |
N. Favrie, B. Lombard, C. Payan ; "Fast and slow dynamics in a nonlinear elastic bar excited by longitudinal vibrations", Wave Motion, vol. 56, pp. 221-238, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, A. Kacem, A. Kaiss, J. Gerardin, Z. Acem, P. Boulet, B. Porterie ; "Steady and transient pyrolysis of thick clear PMMA slabs", Combustion and Flame, vol. 162(1), pp. 226-236, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Lamorlette and F. Candelier ; "Thermal behavior of solid particles at ignition: Theoretical limit between thermally thick and thin solids", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 82, pp. 117-122, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
R. Mehaddi, S. Vaux, F. Candelier, O. Vauquelin ; "On the modelling of steady turbulent fountains", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, vol. 15, pp. 1115-1134, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
G.L.Richard, S.L. Gavrilyuk ; "Modelling turbulence generation in solitary waves on shear shallow water flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 773, pp 49- 74, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
S. Ndanou, N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk ; "Multi-solid and multi-fluid diffuse interface model: applications to dynamic fracture and fragmentation", Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 295, pp. 523-555, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
S. Gavrilyuk, S. Ndanou, S. Hank ; "One-parameter family of equations of state for isotropic compressible solids", Journal of Elasticity, vol. 295, pp. 523, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
N. Ndanou, N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk ; "The piston problem in hyperelasticity with the stored energy in separable form", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, /content/early/2015/01/22/1081286514566707, 2015 | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
O. Vauquelin ; "Oscillatory behaviour in an emptying-filling box", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 781, pp. 712-726, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
R. Mehaddi, F. Candelier, O. Vauquelin ; "Non-Boussinesq fountains", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 784, R6, 2015. | RICL | 2015 | CRGC |
J. Chauchat and M. Medale ; "A three-dimensional numerical model for dense granular ?ows based on the µ(I) rheology, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 256, pp. 696712, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
T. Akbar, G. Bouchet, J. Duek, ; "Co-existence of A and B modes in the cylinder wake at Re=170, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 48, 19-26. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Chrust, G. Bouchet, J. Duek, ; "Effect of solid body degrees of freedom on the path instabilities of freely falling or rising flat cylinders, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 47, 55-70. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
C. Loux, G. Bouchet, M. Bouquey, R. Muller ; "Sources of irreversibilities in a perfectly axisymmetric geometry at low Reynolds numbers, Polymer Engineering and Science, 54 (9), 2046-2056. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Benyamine, M. Djermane, B. Dalloz-Dubrujeaud, P. Aussillous ; "Discharge flow of a bidisperse granular media from a silo, Physical Review E 90, 032201. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
T. Barois, L. Tadrist, C. Quilliet, Y. Forterre ; "How a curved elastic strip opens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 214301. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, C. Pelcé, L. Meister, C. Montet, P. Pelcé, S. Barbosa, M. Sentis, M. Bizi ; "On the size and morphological characterization of needle-shaped TiO2 nanoparticles in suspension, Proc. SPIE 9232, 92320K | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
L. Bergougnoux, G. Bouchet, D. Lopez, E. Guazzelli ; "The motion of solid spherical particles falling in a cellular flow field at low Stokes number, Physics of Fluids 26, 093302. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
A.Franceschini, E. Filippidi, É. Guazzelli, D. J. Pine ; "Dynamics of non-Brownian fiber suspensions under periodic shear, Soft Matter 10, 67226731. | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
B. Snook, L. Davidson J. Butler, O. Pouliquen, E. Guazzelli ; "Normal stress differences in suspensions of rigid fibres "J. Fluid Mech. 758, 486?507 (2014). | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
F. Guillard, Y. Forterre, and O. Pouliquen ; "Lift forces in granular media "Phys. Fluids 26,043301. ? | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
T. K. Nguyen, N. Benahmed, P.-Y. Hicher, and M. Nicolas ; "An experimental investigation into the effects of low plastic fines content on the behaviour of sand/silt mixtures. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, | RICL | 2014 | MDFC |
L. Leal, P. Lavieille, F. Topin, L. Tadrist, M. Miscevic, ; "Dynamic activation of single vapor embryo growth: analyses of thermal and momentum inertia effects", Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, Vol. 2 (2), pp 139-154, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F. ; "The geometric and thermohydraulic characterization of ceramic foams: An analytical approach", 2014, Acta Materialia, 75, pp.273-286. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F., ; "About thermo-hydraulic properties of open cell foams: Pore scale numerical analysis of strut shapes", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 354, pp.195-200. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F. ; "Micro-structural Impact of Different Strut Shapes and Porosity on Hydraulic Properties of Kelvin-Like Metal Foams", 2014, Transport in Porous Media, 105, 57-81. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Zamoum, M., Tadrist, L., Combeau, H., Kessal, M. ; "Experimental study of boiling heat transfer on multiple and single nucleation sites using a boiling-meter", 2014, Heat Transfer Engineering, 35, pp. 508-516. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Bourret, J., Michot, A., Tessier-Doyen, N., Naït-Ali, B., Pennec, F., Alzina, A., Vicente, J., Peyratout, C.S., Smith, D.S. ; "Thermal conductivity of very porous kaolin-based ceramics", 2014, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97, pp. 938-944. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F., Vicente, J. ; "Determination of effective thermal conductivity from geometrical properties: Application to open cell foams", 2014, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 81, pp. 13-28. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Mollicone, J., Ansart, F., Lenormand, P., Duployer, B., Tenailleau, C., Vicente, J. ; "Characterization and functionalization by sol-gel route of SiC foams", 2014, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34, pp. 3479-3487. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Benzarti, S., Mhiri, H., Bournot, H., Occelli, R. ; "Numerical simulation of turbulent fluidized bed with Geldart B particles", 2014, Advanced Powder Technology, 25, pp. 1737-1747. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Rognon, P.G., Miller, T., Metzger, B., Einav, I. ; "Long-range wall perturbations in dense granular flows", 2014, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 764, pp. 171-192. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Chauchat, J., Medale, M. ; "A three-dimensional numerical model for dense granular flows based on the µ(I) rheology", Journal of Computational Physics, 256, pp. 696- 712. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Berrahil, F., Benissaad, S., Abid, C., Medale, M. ; "Natural convection with volumetric heat generation and external magnetic field in differentially heated enclosure", 2014, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228, pp. 2711-2727. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Amiel, S., Loarer, T., Pocheau, C., Roche, H., Gauthier, E., Aumeunier, M.-H., Le Niliot, C., Rigollet, F., Courtois, X., Jouve, M., Balorin, C., Moncada, V. ; "2D surface temperature measurement of plasma facing components with modulated active pyrometry", Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, pp.104905, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Gaspar, J., Rigollet, F., Gardarein, J.-L., Niliot, C.L., Corre, Y ; "Identification of space and time varying thermal resistance: Numerical feasibility for plasma facing materials", 2014, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 22, pp. 213-231. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Corre, Y., Gunn, J.P., Firdaouss, M., Carpentier, S., Chantant, M., Colas, L., Ekedahl, A., Gardarein, J.-L., Lipa, M., Loarer, T., Courtois, X., Guilhem, D., Saint-Laurent, F. ; "Heat flux decay length during RF power operation in the Tore Supra tokamak", 2014, Nuclear Fusion, 54, pp. 13013. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Gheribi, A.E., Gardarein, J.-L., Rigollet, F., Chartrand, P. ; "Evidence of second order transition induced by the porosity in the thermal conductivity of sintered metals", 2014, APL Materials, 2, pp. 76105. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Benzarti, S., Mhiri, H., Bournot, H., Occelli, R. ; "Numerical simulation of turbulent fluidized bed with Geldart B particles", 2014, Advanced Powder Technology, 25, pp. 1737-1747. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Radhouane, A., Mahjoub Saïd, N., Mhiri, H., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Dynamics of the flowfield generated by the interaction of twin inclined jets of variable temperatures with an oncoming crossflow", 2014, Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 253-274. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Haddad, Z., Abid, C., Oztop, H.F., Mataoui, A. ; "A review on how the researchers prepare their nanofluids", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 76, pp. 168-189, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Desiccation of a Sessile Drop of Blood: Cracks, Folds Formation and Delamination", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 448, pp. 34-44, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Bouzeid W., Brutin D. ; "Effect of relative humidity on the spreading dynamics of sessile drops of blood", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 456, pp. 273-285, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
Hadj-Achour M., Brutin D. ; "Fractal pattern formation in nano-suspension sessile droplets via evaporation-spreading on a glass substrate", Colloid and Interface Science Communications, vol. 1, pp. 43-46, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | PT |
N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk, B. Nkonga, and R. Saurel ; "Sharpening diffuse interfaces with compressible flow solvers", Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics 4(1), 44-68, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
S. Le Martelot, R. Saurel, and B. Nkonga ; "Toward the direct numerical simulation of boiling flows", Int. J. of Multiphase Flows 77, 62-78, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
R. Saurel, S. Le Martelot, R. Tosello, and E. Lapebie ; "Symmetric model of compressible granular mixtures with permeable interfaces, Phys. Fluids 26, 123304, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, C. Mariani, G. Jourdan, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ; "Planar shock focusing through perfect gas lens: First experimental demonstration", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 136 (9), 091204, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, O. Igra, C. Mariani, R. Tosello, D. Leriche and L. Houas ; "Experimental investigation of shock wave propagation in a 90° branched duct", Shock Waves, 24 (3), 307-315 , 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
M. Vandenboomgaerde, D. Souffland, C. Mariani, L. Biamino, G. Jourdan and L. Houas ; "An experimental and numerical investigation of the dependency on the initial conditions of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability", Phys. Fluids, 26, 024109 , 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
V. Rodriguez, R. Saurel, G. Jourdan, & L. Houas ; "External front instabilities induced by a shocked particle ring", Physical Review E 90, 043013, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
M. Vandenboomgaerde, D. Souffland, C. Mariani, L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, & L. Houas ; "Dependence of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability to the initial conditions: an experimental and numerical investigation", Physics of Fluids, 26, 024109, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Petitpas, E. Daniel ; "Compressible Model for Dilute Flows", AIAA Journal, 53(8), 2289-2299, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Petitpas, S. Le Martelot ; "A discrete method to treat heat conduction in compressible two-phase flows", Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal, 6(3), 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
Y. Billaud, M. De Gennaro, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, N. Zekri, B. Porterie ; "Coupling a meshless front-tracking method with a hybrid model of wildfire spread across heterogeneous landscapes", Advances in forest fire research, Chapter 3, pp 709-715, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
S. Hank, R. Saurel, O. Le Métayer & E. Lapébie ; "Modeling blast waves, gas and particles dispersion in urban and hilly ground areas", J. Hazardous Materials, Vol. 280C, pp. 436-449, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
N. Bedon, M.-C. Druguet, P. Boubert ; "Modelling of Radiative Fluxes to the Heat Shield of a Martian Orbiter", Int. J. of Aerodynamics, 4(3/4):154-174, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
W. BenAmira, M. Abid, A. MChirgui and A. Chikhaoui ; "Hydrodynamic motion of magnetic particles in a Poiseuille flow", European Journal Mechanics B/Fluids 43, 57-64, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
M. T. Ho, I. Graur ; "Numerical study of unsteady rarefied gas flow throuth an orifice", Vacuum, 2014, 109, 253-265, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
H. Yamaguchi, M. Rojas Cardenas, P. Perrier, I. Graur, T. Niimi ; "Thermal Transpiration Flow through a Single Rectangular Channel", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 744, 169-182, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj Nacer, I. Graur, P. Perrier, J. G. Méolans, M. Wuest ; "Gas flow through microtubes with different internal surface coating", J. Vac. Sci. Technology A, 2013, 021601, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
V. Martini-Laithier, I. Graur, S. Bernardini, K. Aguir, P. Pierre, M. Bendahan ; "Ammonia detection by a novel Pyrex microsystem based on thermal creep phenomenon", Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v. 192, pp. 714-719, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, M.T. Ho ; "Rarefied gas flow through a long rectangular channel of variable cross-section", Vacuum, 101, 328-332, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, M.T. Ho, M. Wuest ; "Simulation of the transient heat transfer between two coaxial cylinders", J. Vac. Sci. Technology A, v.31, 6 Nov/Dec, 2013. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
A. Polikarpov, I. Graur ; "Unsteady rarefied gas flow through a slit", v. 101, p.79-85, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
D. E. Zeitoun ; "Microsize and initial pressure effects on shock wave propagation in a tube", Shock Waves Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s00193-014-0512-9, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
A. K. Ait Oumeziane, B. Liani and J.-D. Parisse ; "Laser induced plasma on copper target, a nn-equilibrium model", Physics of Plasma 21, 023507 ;", 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
V. Lago, R. Joussot and J. D. Parisse ; "Influence of the ionization rate of a plasma discharge applied to the modification of a supersonic low Reynolds number flow field around a cylinder", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 125202 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/47/12/125202, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
A. K. Aitoumeziane, A. Sari, B. Liani and J. D. Parisse ; "Theoretical and numerical study of the interaction of a nanosecond laser pulse with a copper target for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy applications", JOSA B, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 53-61,, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Sharipov, I. Graur ; "General approach to transient flows of rarefied gases through long capillaries", Vacuum, v100, pp.22-25, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
C. Helm, M.P. Martin, and P. Dupont ; "Characterization of the shear layer in a mach 3 shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction". Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 506, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
V. Jaunet, J. F. Debiève, and P. Dupont ; "Length scales and time scales of a heated shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction". AIAA Journal, pages 19, 2014/08/30, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Duplan, A. Abou-Chakra, A. Turatsinze, G. Escadeillas, S. Brulé, E. Javelaud, F. Massé ; "Prédiction of modulus of elasticity based on micromechanics theory and application to low strengh mortars", Construction and Buildings Materials, vol. 50, pp. 437-447, 2014 (Publié avant recrutement) | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
A. Kaïkea D. Achoura, F. Duplan, L. Rizzuti ; "Effect of mineral admixtures and steel fiber volume contents on the behavior of high performance fiber reinforced concrete", Materials & Design, vol. 63, pp. 493-499, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
F. Liu, H. Chu, J.L. Consalvi ; "Relationship Between the Spectral Line Based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model and the Full Spectrum K-Distribution Model", Journal of Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 14, pp. 110-120, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
K. Muñoz-Feucht, A. Fuentes, JL. Consalvi ; "Soot Volume Fraction Measurements in a Forest Fuel Layer", Experimental Thermal Fluid Science Journal, vol. 56, pp. 61-68, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
R. Henríquez, R. Demarco, J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu, A. Fuentes ; "The oxygen index o5n soot production in propane diffusion flames", Combustion Sciences and Technology, vol. 186, pp. 504-517, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "Radiative Heat transfer Through the Fuel Rich Core of Laboratory-Scale pool Fire", Combustion Sciences and Technology", vol. 186, pp. 475-489, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
F. Liu, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes ; "Effects of water vapor addition to the air stream on soot formation and flame properties in a laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flame", Combustion and flame, vol. 161, pp. 1724-1734, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "Radiative heat transfer in the core of axisymmetric pool fires I: Evaluation of approximate radiative property models", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 84, pp. 104-117, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
G. Tchuen,, F. Fogang, Y. Burtschell, P. Woafo ; "A hybrid numerical method and its application to inviscid compressible flow problems". Computer Physics Communications, vol. 185(2), pp. 479-488, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
S. Gavrilyuk ; M. Kazakova, Yu, ; "Hydraulic jumps in two-layer flow with a free surface", Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, vol. 55, pp. 2537, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
S. B. Ayech, S. Habli, N. M. Said, H. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Effect of the coflow stream on a plane wall jet", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 1685-1697, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
A. Radhouane, N. M. Said, H. Mhiri, H. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Dynamics of the flowfield generated by the interaction of twin inclined jets of variable temperatures with an oncoming crossflow", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 253-274, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
S. Habli, N. M. Said, G. Le Palec, H. Bournot ; "Numerical study of a turbulent plane jet in a coflow environment", Computers & Fluids, vol. 89, pp. 20-28, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Effect of the storage tank thermal insulation on the thermal performance of an integrated collector storage solar water heater", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 1335-1341, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
R. Guizani, I. Mokni, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "CFD modeling and analysis of the fish-hook effect on the rotor separator's efficiency", Powder Technology, vol. 264, pp. 149-157, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
N. Khaldi, S. Marzouk, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "CFD analysis of free shear layer approximations for a pulsed air jet", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 43, pp. 49-58, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
R. Achouri, H. Dhaouadi, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Numerical and experimental investigation of the self-inducing turbine aeration capacity", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 83, pp. 188-196, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
N. Khaldi, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Prediction of pollutant dispersion in turbulent two-phase flows", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, vol. 14, pp. 647-662, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
Y. Hajji, M. Bouteraa, A. Elcafsi, A. Belghith, P. Bournot, F. Kallel ; "Dispersion and behavior of hydrogen during a leak in a prismatic cavity", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 39, pp. 6111-6119, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Thermal performance of an integrated collector storage solar water heater with phase change materials", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 78, pp. 897-903, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
W. Kriaa, S. Bejaoui, H. Mhiri, G. Le Palec, P. Bournot ; "Study of dynamic structure and heat and mass transfer of a vertical ceramic tiles dryer using CFD simulations", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 235-251, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
T. Chammem, O. Vauquelin, H. Mhiri ; "Performance evaluation of alternative tunnel longitudinal ventilation systems using two inclined jets", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol.41, pp. 53-61, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
P. Boulet, J. Gérardin, Z. Acem, G. Parent, A. Collin, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie ; "Optical and radiative properties of clear PMMA samples exposed to a radiant heat flux", International Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 82, pp. 1-8, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
J. Le Clanche, P. Salizzoni, M. Creyssels, R. Mehaddi, F. Candelier, O. Vauquelin ; "Aerodynamics of buoyant releases within a longitudinally ventilated tunnel",Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 57, pp. 121-127, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
H. Prétrel, O. Vauquelin, F. Candelier, A. Brunner ; "Effect of vertical density stratification on the buoyancy-induced flow at a doorway opening", Journal of Fire Sciences, vol. 32, pp. 295-315, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
S. Ndanou, N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk ; "Criterion of hyperbolicity in hyperelasticity in the case of the stored energy in separable form", Journal of Elasticity, vol. 115, pp. 125, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk, Ndanou ; "A thermodynamically compatible splitting procedure in hyperelasticity", Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 270, pp. 300324, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
F. Candelier, R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin ; "The history force on a small particle in a linearly stratified fluid", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 749, pp. 184-200, 2014. | RICL | 2014 | CRGC |
D. Griffani P. Rognon, B. Metzger, I. Einav ; "How rotational vortices enhance transfers, Phys. Fluids, 25 093301, 2013 | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
T. Miller, P. Rognon, B. Metzger, I. Einav ; "Eddy Viscosity in Dense Granular Flows, Phys. Rev. Letters, 111 058002, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
B. Metzger, P. Pham, J. E. Buler ; "Irreversibility and chaos: Role of lubrication interactions in sheared suspensions, Phys. Rev. E, 00 002300. *** | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
B. Metzger O. Rahli, X. Yin ; "Heat transfer across sheared suspensions: rôle of the shear-induced diffusion, J. Fluid Mech.724 527-552, *** | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
M. Chrust, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Numerical simulation of the dynamics of freely falling discs, Phys. Fluids, 25 (044102), 24 pages. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
C. Le Bot, G. Bouchet ; "Thermal mixed convection past a sphere in an assisting flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 65, 170-177. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Slow, fast and furious : understanding the physics of plant movements". J. Exp. Bot. 64, 4745-4760. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
L-H. Luu, Y. Forterre ; "Giant drag reduction in complex fluid drops on rough hydrophobic surface", Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 184501. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
S. Radev, F.R.A. Onofri, A. Lenoble, L. Tadrist ; "Review on the instability and optics of capillary jets and glass fibres: a fruitful collaboration between Institute of mechanics and IUSTI", J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 43, 530 | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, O. Touré, M. Wo?niak, C. Grisolia ; "Sizing highly-ordered buckyball-shaped aggregates of colloidal nanoparticles by light extinction spectroscopy", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 126, 160-168 | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, J. Chauchat, M. Pailha, M. Médale, É. Guazzelli ; "Investigation of the mobile granular layer in bedload transport by laminar shearing flows", J. Fluid Mech. 736, 594-615. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
F. Guillard, Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Depth independent drag force induced ?by stirring in granular media, Phys. Rev. Lett 110,138303. | RICL | 2013 | MDFC |
E.R. Dario, L. Tadrist, J. Passos ; "Review on two-phase flow distribution in parallel channels with macro and micro hydraulic diameters: main results, analysis, trends", Applied Thermal Engineering 59 (1), 316-335, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Léal, L., Topin, F., Lavieille, P., Tadrist, L., Miscevic, M., ; "Simultaneous integration, control and enhancement of both fluid flow and heat transfer in small scale heat exchangers: A numerical study", 2013, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, pp. 36-40. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Zeguai, S., Chikh, S., Tadrist, L. ; "Experimental study of two-phase flow pattern evolution in a horizontal circular tube of small diameter in laminar flow conditions", 2013, nternational Journal of Multiphase Flow, 55, pp. 99-110. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Dario, E.R., Tadrist, L., Passos, J.C., ; "Review on two-phase flow distribution in parallel channels with macro and micro hydraulic diameters: Main results, analyses trends", 2013, Applied Thermal Engineering, 59, pp. 316-335. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Hugo, J.-M., Brun, E., Topin, F., Tadrist, L. ; "Conjugate heat transfer in metal foam: Gravity driven and forced flowheat exchange coefficients determination", 2013, Journal of Porous Media, 16, pp. 41-58. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Léal, L., Miscevic, M., Lavieille, P., Amokrane, M., Pigache, F., Topin, F., Nogarède, B., Tadrist, L. ; "An overview of heat transfer enhancement methods and new perspectives: Focus on active methods using electroactive materials", 2013, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 61, pp. 505-524. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Madani, B., Tadrist, L., Topin, F. ; "Experimental analysis of upward flow boiling heat transfer in a channel provided with copper metallic foam", 2013, Applied Thermal Engineering, 52, pp. 336-344. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Ait Saada, M., Chikh, S., Tadrist, L. ; "Evaporation of a sessile drop with pinned or receding contact line on a substrate with different thermophysical properties", 2013, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 58, pp. 197-208. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Leal, L., Lavieille, P., Miscevic, M., Pigache, F., Tadrist, L. ; "Control of pool boiling incipience in confined space: Dynamic morphing of the wall effect, 2013", Applied Thermal Engineering, 51, pp. 451-458. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Vicente, J., Wyart, Y., Moulin, P. ; "Characterization (two-dimensional-three-dimensional) of ceramic microfiltration membrane by synchrotron radiation: New and abraded membranes", 2013, Journal of Porous Media, 16, pp. 537-545. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Metzger, B., Pham, P., Butler, J.E. ; "Irreversibility and chaos: Role of lubrication interactions in sheared suspensions", 2013, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 87, pp. 52304. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Metzger, B., Rahli, O., Yin, X. ; "Heat transfer across sheared suspensions: Role of the shear-induced diffusion", 2013, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 724, pp. 527-552. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Miller, T., Rognon, P., Metzger, B., Einav, I. ; "Eddy viscosity in dense granular flows", Physical Review Letters, 111, pp. 58002, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Griffani, D., Rognon, P., Metzger, B., Einav, I. ; "How rotational vortices enhance transfers", Physics of Fluids, 25, pp. 93301, 2013, | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Mintsa Do Ango, A.C., Medale, M., Abid, C. ; "OPTimization of the design of a polymer flat plate solar collector", 2013, Solar Energy, 87, pp. 64-75. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Cochelin, B., Medale, M. ; "Power series analysis as a major breakthrough to improve the efficiency of AsymPTotic Numerical Method in the vicinity of bifurcations", 2013, Journal of Computational Physics, 236, pp. 594-607. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Aussillous, P., Chauchat, J., Pailha, M., Medale, M., Guazzelli E. ; "Investigation of the mobile granular layer in bedload transport by laminar shearing flows", 2013, J. Fluid Mechanics, 736, pp. 594-615. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Gaspar, J., Gardarein, J.-L., Rigollet, F., Le Niliot, C., Corre, Y., Devaux, S. ; "Nonlinear heat flux estimation in the JET divertor with the ITER like wall", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 72, pp. 82-91, 2013 | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Bécoulet, A., Hoang, G.T., Abiteboul, J., Achard, J., Alarcon, T., Alba-Duran et al.;"Science and technology research and development in support to ITER and the Broader Approach at CEA", 2013, Nuclear Fusion, 53, pp. 104023. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Gardarein, J.-L., Gaspar, J., Corre, Y., Devaux, S., Rigollet, F., Arnoux, G., Le Niliot, C. ; "Inverse heat conduction problem using thermocouple deconvolution: Application to the heat flux estimation in a tokamak", 2013, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 21, pp. 854-864. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Gardarein, J.-L., Battaglia, J.-L., Lahle, S., Jullien, P., Van Ootegem, B., Couzi, J., Lasserre, J.-P. ; "Miniaturized heat flux sensor for high enthalpy plasma flow characterization", 2013, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 21, pp. 605-618. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Rigollet, F., Reichle, R., Gaspar, J., Gardarein, J.-L., Le Niliot, C., Huxford, R. ; "Prediction of spatial resolutions of future IR cameras at ITER", 2013, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 10, pp. 96-111. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Devaux, S., Arnoux, G., Corre, Y., Gardarein, J.-L., Gaspar, J., Jacquet, P., Marcotte, F., Matthews, G., Beaumont, P., Cramp, S., Dalley, S., Kinna, D., Horton, A., Lomas, P., Mertens, Ph., Riccardo, V., Valcà rcel, D. ; "Calorimetry of the JET ITER-Like Wall components", 2013, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438,pp. S1208-S1211. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Jacquet, P., Marcotte, F., Colas, L., Arnoux, G., Bobkov, V., Corre, Y., Devaux, S., Gardarein, J.-L., Gauthier, E., Graham, M., Lerche, E., Mayoral, M.-L., Monakhov, I., Rimini, F., Sirinelli, A., Van Eester, D. ; "Characterisation of local ICRF heat loads on the JET ILW", 2013, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438, pp. S379-S383. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Gaspar, J., Rigollet, F., Gardarein, J.-L., Le Niliot, C., Corre, Y. ; "Characterization of time varying thermophysical property of a surface layer: Numerical feasibility for JET tokamak tiles", 2013, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 56, pp. 147-157. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Cano, G., Steinle, P., Daurelle, J.V., Wyart, Y., Glucina, K., Bourdiol, D., Moulin, P. ; "Determination of pressure and velocity fields in ultrafiltration membrane modules used in drinking water production",Journal of Membrane Science, 431, pp. 221-232. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Cano, G., Steinle, P., Daurelle, J.V., Wyart, Y., Glucina, K., Bourdiol, D., Moulin, P. ; "Pressure fields in an industrial UF module: Effect of backwash", 2013, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51, 25-27, pp. 4907-4913. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Brutin D., Ajaev V., Tadrist L. ; "Pressure drop and void fraction during flow boiling in minichannels in weightlessness", Applied Thermal Enginerring, vol. 51, pp. 1317-1327, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Carle F., Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Experimental evidence of the atmospheric convective transport contribution to sessile droplet evaporation", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, (6), 061301, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Bouzeid W., Brutin D. ; "Influence of relative humidity on spreading, pattern formation and adhesion of a drying drop of whole blood", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 430, pp. 1-7, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Brutin D. ; "Influence of relative humidity and nano-particle concentration on pattern formation and evaporation rate of pinned drying drops of nanofluids", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 429, pp. 112-120, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Bouzeid W., Vicente J., Brutin D. ; "Influence of evaporation rate on cracks' formation of a drying drop of whole blood", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 432, pp. 139-146, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Vancauwenberghe V., Di Marco P., Brutin D. ; "Wetting and Evaporation of a Sessile Drop under an External Electrical Field: A Review", Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 432, pp. 50-56, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Diana A., Castillo M., Steinberg T., Brutin D. ; "Asymmetric interface temperature during vapor bubble growth", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, 031602, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Carle F., Brutin D. ; "How surface functional groups influence fracturation in nanofluid droplet dry-outs", Langmuir, vol. 29, pp. 9962-9966, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
Carle F., Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Experimental evidence of the atmospheric convective transport contribution to sessile droplet evaporation", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, (6), 061301, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
A.C. Mintsa Do Ango, M. Medale and C. Abid ; "OPTimization of the design of a polymer flat plate solar collector Solar Energy, Volume 87, 2013, pp. 64-75. | RICL | 2013 | PT |
S. Schoch, N. Nikiforakis, B. J. Lee, and R. Saurel ; "Multi-phase simulation of ammonium nitrate emulsion detonations. Combustion and Flame 160(9), 1883-1899, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
E. Lapebie, L. Munier, R. Saurel, G. Huber and G. Jourdan ; "Modélisation des explosions avec postcombustion". Chocs Avancées 2012, Avancées scientifiques et techniques de la direction des applications militaires, 46-47, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, Jourdan, O. Igra & L. Houas ; "Effect of an impinging shock wave on a partially opened door, Shock Wave, 24: 115, 2014. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
O. Igra, J. Falcovitz, G. Jourdan, & L. Houas ; "Review of methods to attenuate shock/blast waves, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol 58, pp 1-35, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
V. Rodriguez, R. Saurel, G. Jourdan, & L. Houas ; "On jet formation during solid particle dispersal by a shock wave", Physical Review E 88, 063011, 2013, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
S. Le Martelot, R. Saurel & O. Le Métayer ; "Steady one-dimensional nozzle flow solutions of liquid-gas mixtures", J. Fluid. Mech. Vol. 737, pp. 146-175, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
R. Saurel, & F. Petitpas ; "Introduction to diffuse interfaces and transformation fronts modeling in compressible media", ESAIM: Proceedings Vol. 40, pp. 124-143 EDP Sciences, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
O. Le Métayer, J. Massoni & R. Saurel ; "Dynamic relaxation processes in compressible multiphase flows: Application to evaporation phenomena, ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 40, pp. 103-123, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, J.G. Méolans ; "Time-dependent experimental analysis of a thermal transpiration rarefied gas flow", Physic of Fluids, 25, 072001, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
O. Rovenskaya, A. Ph. Polikarpov , I. Graur ; "Comparison of the numerical solutions of the full Boltzmann and S-model kinetic equations for gas ?ow through a slit", Computer & Fluids, 80, 71-78, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
L. J. Souverein, P. G. Bakker, and P. Dupont ; "A scaling analysis for turbulent shock wave boundary layer interactions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 714:505 535, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
G. Mirshekari, M. Brouillette, J. Giordano, C. Hébert, J. D. Parisse, P. Perrier ; "Shock waves in microchannels", Journal of Fluid Mechanics volume 724, pp. 259-283, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
J. D. Parisse and V. Lago ; "Shock modification induced by a DC discharge: numerical and experimental study", International Journal of Aerodynamics, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2/3, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | ECOCI |
A. Fuentes, R. Henriquez, F. Nmira, F. Liu, J.L. Consalvi ; "Experimental and numerical study of the effects of the oxygen index on the radiation characteristics of laminar coflow diffusion flames", Combustion and Flame, vol. 160, pp. 786-795, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco, A. Fuentes, S. Melis, J.P. Vantelon ; "On the modeling of radiative heat transfer in pool fires",Fire safety Journal, vol. 60, pp. 73-81, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Fuentes, J.L. Consalvi ; "Experimental study of the burning rate of small-scale forest fuel layers", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 74, pp. 119-125, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Baara, N. Zekri, L. Zekri, Y. Pizzo, A. Kaiss, J. P. Clerc, B. Porterie, C. Lallemand ; "Modeling percolation in polydisperse systems", EPL, vol. 102, 46003, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
S. Bannour, K. Abderrazak, S. Mattei, J. E. Masse, M. Autric and H. Mhiri ; "The influence of position in overlap joints of Mg and Al alloys on microstructure and hardness of laser welds", Journal of Laser Applications, vol. 25, 032201, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, W. Charfi, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "Performance evaluation of concentrating solar photovoltaic and photovoltaic/thermal systems", Solar Energy, vol. 98, pp. 315-321, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
R. Achouri, S. Ben Hamza, H. Dhaouadi, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Volumetric mass transfer coefficient and hydrodynamic study of a new self-inducing turbine", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 71, pp. 69-75, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Radhouane, I.B. Baouab, N.M. Said, P. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Temperature impact on the turbulence generated by the interaction of twin inline inclined jets in crossflow", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 49, pp. 629-656, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
R. Achouri, O. Nouicer, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Probable cause analysis of cracks observed on vertical centrifugal pump", Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 29, pp. 1-11, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
I.B. Baouab, N.M. Said, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Dynamic and mass transfer characteristics of the flow issued from a bent chimney around buildings", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 49, pp. 337-358, 2013). | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
M. Chaabane, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Thermal performance of an integrated collector storage solar water heater with a storage tank equipped with radial fins of rectangular profile", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 49, pp. 107-115, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
T. Chammem, H. Mhiri, O. Vauquelin ; "Experimental and computational investigation of Reynolds number effect on the longitudinal ventilation in large enclosure of twin inclined jets", Building and Environment, vol. 67, pp. 87-96, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Billaud, P. Boulet, Y. Pizzo, G. Parent, Z. Acem, A. Kaiss, A. Collin, B. Porterie ; "Determination of woody fuel flame properties by means of emission spectroscopy using a genetic algorithm", Combustion Science Technology, vol. 185, pp. 579-599, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
R. Demarco, F. Nmira, J.L. Consalvi ; "Influence of Thermal Radiation on Soot Production in Laminar Axisymmetric Diffusion Flames", Journal of Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 120, pp. 52-69, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Aubert, F. Candelier, C. Solliec ; "Experimental study of heat transfer in a water film exposed to a radiant flux Application to thermal protection of composite walls", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 51, pp. 10-17, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Candelier, M. Porez, F. Boyer ; "Note on the swimming of an elongated body in a non-uniform flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 716, pp. 616-637, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
Richard G. L. et Gavrilyuk S. L. ; "A new model of roll waves: comparison with Brocks experiments", J. Fluid Mech. 2012. V. 698. P. 374405. (IF=2.294) | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
G.L. Richard, S. Gavrilyuk ; "The classical hydraulic jump in a model of shear shallow water flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 725, pp. 492521, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk ; "Dynamic compaction of granular materials", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 469. 20130214, 2013. | RICL | 2013 | CRGC |
B. Metzger, J. E. Butler ; "Clouds of particles in a periodic shear flow, Phys. Fluids, 24 021703.*** | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
G. Bouchet, E. Climent ; "Unsteady behavior of a confined jet in a cavity at moderate Reynolds numbers, vacuum, VAC5628, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
J. Dumais, Y. Forterre ; "Vegetable Dynamicks : The Role of Water in Plant Movements, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 44, 453-478. | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
M. Wozniak, F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, J. Yon, J. Mroczka ; , "Comparison of methods to derive morphological parameters of multi-fractal samples of particle aggregates from TEM images, Journal of Aerosol Science 47, 12-26 | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Radev, M. Sentis, S. Barbosa ; , "Physical-optics approximation of near-critical-angle scattering by spheroidal bubbles, Opt. Lett. 37, 4780-4782 | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, M. Wozniak, D. Vrel, C. Grisolia ; , "In-situ characterization of dust mobilized by laser cleaning methods and loss of vacuum accident, Fusion Sci. Technol. 62, 39-45 | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
J. Mroczka, M. Wozniak, F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Algorithms and methods for the analysis of the optical structure factor of fractal aggregates, Metrol. Meas. Syst. XIX, 459-470 | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
B. Snook, E.Guazzelli, J. E. Butler ; . "Vorticity alignment of rigid fibers in an oscillatory shear flow : Role of confinement, Physics of Fluids 24(12), 121702. | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
A. Benedetti, P. Sornay, B. Dalloz, M. Nicolas ; "An angular particle sliding down a transversally vibrated smooth plane". Phys. Rev. E, 85, 011307.? | RICL | 2012 | MDFC |
Coatanea, M., Duchateau, J.-L., Nicollet, S., Lacroix, B., Topin, F. ; "Investigations about quench detection in the ITER TF coil system", 2012, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Hugo, J.-M., Topin, F. ; "Dispersion in metal foam: A pore scale numerical study", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 326, pp. 410-415. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Barrau, J., Omri, M., Chemisana, D., Rosell, J., Ibañez, M., Tadrist, L. ; "Numerical study of a hybrid jet impingement/micro-channel cooling scheme", 2012, Applied Thermal Engineering, 33, pp. 237-245. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Kumar, P., Topin, F., Tadrist, L. ; "Enhancement of heat transfer over spatial stationary and moving sinusoidal wavy wall: A numerical analysis", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 326, pp. 341-347, 2012, | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Albouchi, F., Fetoui, M., Rigollet, F., Mzali, F., Nasrallah, S.B. ; "Use of a pseudo-random heating excitation to investigate the thermal properties of thermally fragile materials", 2012, High Temperatures - High Pressures, 41, pp. 241-254. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Metzger, B., Butler, J.E. ; "Clouds of particles in a periodic shear flow", Physics of Fluids, 24, pp. 21703. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Ferahta, F.Z., Bougoul, S., Medale, M., Abid, C. ; "Influence of the air gap layer thickness on heat transfer between the glass cover and the absorber of a solar collector", Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 8, pp. 339-352, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Vicente, J., Daurelle, J.-V., Brossard, G., Blom, A., Douteur, A., Delmotte, Y., Brun, E. ; "Impact of different confluent fluid streams viscosities on interconnected porous static mixer device", 2012, Chemical Engineering Science, 72, pp. 172-178. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Mahjoub, S.N., Habli, S., Bournot, H., Le Palec, G. ; "The near field in the mixing of a three-dimensional inclined pollutant jet with a crossflow", 2012, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 19, pp. 161-178. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Thermocapillary instabilities in an evaporating drop deposited onto a heated substrate", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 24, 032103, pp. 1-16, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Nicollas R., Vicente J., Brutin D., Giordano J., Medale M., Giovanni A., Ouaknine M., Triglia J.M. ; "The Very First Cry: A Multidisciplinary Approach Toward a Mode", Annals of Otolology Rhinology Laryngology, vol. 121 (12), pp. 821-826, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Thermal Effects of the Substrate on Water Droplet Evaporation", Physical Review E, vol. 86, 021602, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Carle F., Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Hydrothermal waves in ethanol droplets evaporating under terrestrial and reduced gravity levels", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 712, pp. 614-623, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
A. Diana, M. Castillo, D. Brutin, T. Steinberg ; "Sessile Drop Wettability In Normal and Reduced Gravity", Microgravity Sci. Tech., vol. 24, pp. 195-202, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
Ferahta, F.Z., Bougoul, S., Abid, C. ; "Effect of the thickness of the air gap between the glass and the absorber on convective heat transfer in thermal solar collector", 2012, Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 12, pp.581-588. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
F.Z. Ferahta, S. Bougoul, M. Medale and C. Abid ; "Influence of the air gap layer thickness on heat transfer between the glass cover and the absorber of a solar collector", Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 8, pp. 339-351, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | PT |
S. Brull, V. Pavan, J. Schneider ; "Derivation of a BGK model", European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, pp.74-86, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
D. Igra, O. Igra, G. Jourdan & L. Houas ; "Simulation of sphere's motion induced by shock waves, Journal of Fluids Engineering, FE-11-1397, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
D. Elbaz, G. Jourdan, L. Houas, S. Jaouen, P. Ballereau, F. Dias & B. Canaud ; "Shock velocity increase due to a heterogeneity produced by a two-gas layer", Physical Review E, DOI: 10.1177 / 0954410011411385, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, O. Igra, G. Jourdan, A.Massol & L. Houas ; "The Flow generated inside a duct after emergence of a shock wave from it", Journal of Aerospace Ingineering, DOI:10.1177/0954410 01141 1385, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
L. Houas, L. Biamino, C. Mariani, O. Igra, G. Jourdan, A. Massol ; "The effects that changes in the diaphragm aperture have on the resulting shock tube flow", Shock Waves, 22(4), 287-293, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
M.-C. Druguet ; "Effects of Thermal Boundary Conditions on the Hypersonic Shock Layer Flow over a Blunt Body", Int. J. Aerodynamics, 2(2/3/4):316-338, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
J.G. Méolans, M. Hadj Nacer, M. Rojas Cardenas, P. Perrier, I. Graur ; "Effects of two transversal finite dimensions in long microchannel: Analytical approach in slip regime", Phys. Fluids, 24, 112005, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
H. Yamaguchi, K. Kanazawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi, A. Polikarpov, I. Graur ; "Investigation on heat transfer between two coaxial cylinders for measurement of thermal accommodation coefficient", Phys. Fluids 24, 062002, doi: 10.1063/1.4726059, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
R. Saurel, G. Huber, G. Jourdan, E. Lapebie and L. Munier ; "Modelling spherical explosions with turbulent mixing and post-combustion, Physics of Fluids 24, 115101-42., 2012 | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
A. Dinler, I. Graur, R. W. Barber, D. R. Emerson, P. Perrier ; "On the role of surface shape in a micro-scale heat conduction problem, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 362 (1), 012017, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj Nacer, P. Perrier, J. G. Méolans, I. Graur, M. Wuest ; "Experimental study of the gas flows through channels with circular cross section, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 362, 012025, doi:10.1088/1742-6596, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
F. Sharipov, I. Graur ; "Rare?ed gas ?ow through a zigzag channel, Vacuum, VAC5628, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, J.G. Meolans ; "An experimental and numerical study of the ?nal zero-?ow thermal transpiration stage, JSME Technical Journal, v.7, N3, p.1-16, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
L. Agostini, L. Larchevêque, P. Dupont, J.F. Debiève, and J.P. Dussauge ; "Zones of influence and shock motion in a shock boundary layer interaction, AIAA Journal, 50(-6):13771387, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
S. Piponniau, E. Collin, P. Dupont, and J.F. Debiève ; "Reconstruction of velocity fields from wall pressure measurements in a shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 35(0):176186, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
O. Mimouni-Benabu, L. Meister, J. Giordano, P. Fayoux, N. Loundon, J. M. Triglia, R. Nicollas ; "A preliminary study of computer assisted evaluation of congenital tracheal stenosis: A new tool for surgical decision-making, International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, v.76, N11, pp.1552-1557, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
J. Giordano and Y. Burtschell ; "Confrontation of genetic algorithm optimization process with a new reference case : analytical study with experimental validation of the deflection of a cantilever beam, International Journal of Advanced Science and technology, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
R. Nicollas, J. Vicente, D. Brutin, J. Giordano, M. Medale, A. Giovanni ; "The very first cry : multidisciplinary approach toward a model, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 121 (12), 821-826, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | ECOCI |
R. Mehaddi, F. Candelier, O. Vauquelin ; "Naturally bounded plumes", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 717, pp. 472-483, 2013. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
R. Demarco, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes ; "Influence of Radiative Property Models on Soot Production in Laminar Ethylene Diffusion Flames", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 369 012011, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco, A. Fuentes ; Modeling "Thermal Radiation in Buoyant Turbulent Diffusion Flames", Combustion Theory and Modelling, vol. 16, pp. 817-841, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
G. Tchuen, Y. Burtschell ; "Physico-Chemical Modelling in Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flow Around Blunt Bodies", INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
Y. Pizzo, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie, J-P. Clerc, C. Lallemand, N. Zekri, L. Zekri ; "Fire spread and percolation in polydisperse compartment structures", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 395, 012010, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
N. Zekri, K. Khelloufi, L. Zekri, B. Porterie, A. Kaiss, J-P. Clerc ; "Role of weighting in the dynamics of front propagation", Physics Letters A, vol. 376, pp. 25222526, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
Y. Billaud, N. Zekri, A. Kaiss, M. Drissi, Y. Pizzo, Z. Acem, A. Collin, P-A. Santoni, F. Bosseur, P. Boulet, B. Porterie ; "A hybrid small-world network/semi-physical model for predicting wildfire spread in heterogeneous landscapes", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 395, 012008, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
S. Bannour, K. Abderrazak, H. Mhiri, Hatem, G. Le Palec ; "Effects of temperature-dependent material properties and shielding gas on molten pool formation during continuous laser welding of AZ91 magnesium alloy", Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 44, pp. 2459-2468, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
N. M. Said, S. Habli, H. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "The near field in the mixing of a three-dimensional inclined pollutant jet with a crossflow", Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, vol. 19, pp. 161-178, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
R. Achouri, I. Mokni, H. Mhiri and P. Bournot ; "A 3D CFD simulation of a self inducing pitched blade turbine downflow", Energy Conservation and Management, vol. 64, pp. 633-641, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
A. B. Ali, W. Kriaa, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot ; "Numerical investigations of cooling holes system role in the protection of the walls of a gas turbine combustion chamber", Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 48, pp. 779-788, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
H. Mahmoud, W. Kriaa, H. Mhiri, G. Le Palec, P. Bournot ; "Numerical analysis of recirculation bubble sizes of turbulent co-flowing jet", Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, vol. 6, pp. 58-73, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
A. Mokni, H. Mhiri, G. Le Palec and P. Bournot ; "Turbulent mixed convection in asymmetrically heated vertical channel", Thermal Science, vol. 16, pp. 503-512, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
I. B. Baouab, A. Radhouane, N. M. Said, H. Mhiri, P. Bournot, G. Le Palec ; "Assessment of a chimney Jet flowing around an obstacle", Heat Transfer Engineering", vol. 33, pp. 885-904, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
H. Mahmoud, W. Kriaa, H. Mhiri, G. Le Palec, P. Bournot ; "Study of the parabolic and elliptic approaches validities for a turbulent co-flowing jet", Thermal Science, vol. 16, pp. 223-238, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
S. Gavrilyuk, H. Gouin ; "Geometric evolution of the Reynolds stress tensor", International Journal of Engineering Sceince, vol.. 59, pp. 6573, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
P. Mindykowski, Y. Pizzo, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie, L. Rigollet, C. Lallemand ; "Heat transfer components at the surface of burning thick PMMA vertically-oriented slabs", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 395, 012009, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
S. Suard, C. Lapuerta, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie ; "Sensitivity analysis of a fire field model in the case of a large-scale compartment fire scenario", Numerical Heat Transfer, vol. 63,pp. 879-905, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi ; "Influence of Turbulence-Radiation Interactions in Laboratory-Scale Methane Pool Fires", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 60, pp. 122-130, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco ; "Modeling Thermal Radiation from one-meter diameter methane pool fire", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 369 012012, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
A. Aubert, F. Candelier, C. Solliec ; "Numerical heat transfer analyses of a wavy-laminar falling film using moving curvilinear coordinates. International Communications in Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 39, pp. 1073-1079, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
J. Giordano, Y. Burtschell ; "Confrontation of Genetic Algorithm Optimization Process with a New Reference Case: Analytical Study with Experimental Validation of the Deflection of a Cantilever Beam. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 49, pp. 105-118, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk ; "Diffuse interface model for compressible fluid compressible elasticplastic solid interaction. J. Comput. Phys. 2012, vol. 231, pp. 26952723, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
F. Candelier, O. Vauquelin ; "Matched asymptotic solutions for turbulent plumes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 699, pp. 489-499, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin, F. Candelier ; "Analytical solutions for turbulent Boussinesq fountains in a linearly stratified environment, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 691, pp. 487-497, 2012. | RICL | 2012 | CRGC |
E. Franceschini, B. Metzger, G. Cloutier ; "Forward problem study of an effective medium model for ultrasound blood characterization", IEEE, 58 2668-2679.2011. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
T. Akbar, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Numerical investigation of the subcritical effects at the onset of three-dimensionality in the circular cylinder wake", Phys. Fluids, 23 (094103), 11 pages. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
M. Bouquey, C. Loux, R. Muller, G. Bouchet ; "Morphological study of two-phase polymer blends during compounding in a novel compounder based on elongational flow", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 119 (1), 482-490. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
C. Loux, G. Bouchet, R. Muller ; "Sources of irreversibilities in a perfectly axisymmetric geometry at low Reynolds numbers", Rhéologie, 19, 55-68. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre, J. Dumais ; "Generating Helices in Nature", Science 333, 1715. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
M. Colombani, Y. Forterre ; "Biomechanics of rapid movements in plants : poroelastic measurements at the cell scale", Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 14 115117. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
B. Sobac, M. Colombani, Y. Forterre ; "Dynamic of poroelastic foams", Mécanique & Industrie 12, 231238. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
V. Bonhomme , H. Pelloux-Prayet, E. Jousselin, Y. Forterre, J-J. Labat, L. Gaume ; "Slippery or sticky ? Functional diversity in the trapping strategy of Nepenthes carnivorous plants", New Phythologist 191, 545554. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
K. F. Ren, F. Onofri, C. Rozé, T. Girasole ; "Vectorial complex ray model and application to two-dimensional scattering of plane wave by a spheroidal particle", Opt. Lett. 36, 370-372 | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, M. Wozniak, S. Barbosa ; "On the Optical Characterisation of Nanoparticle and their Aggregates in Plasma Systems", Contrib. Plasm. Phys. 51, 228-236 , 2011 | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, M. A. Krzysiek, S. Barbosa, V. Messager, K.-F. Ren, J. Mroczka ; "Near-critical-angle scattering for the characterization of clouds of bubbles: particular effects", Appl. Opt 50, 5759-5769 | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
A. Franceschini, E. Filippidi, É. Guazzelli, D. J. Pine ; "Transverse alignment of fibers in a periodically sheared suspension : An absorbing phase transition with a slowly varying control parameter", Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 250603. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli, E. J. Hinch ; "Fluctuations and instability in sedimentation", Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 43, 97-116. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
F. Pignatel, M. Nicolas, É. Guazzelli ; "A falling cloud of particles at small but finite Reynolds-number". J. Fluid Mech. 671, 34-51. | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
F. Boyer, E. Guazzelli, O. Pouliquen ; "Unifying dense suspensions and granular ?media", Phys. Rev. Lett 107,188301. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
E. Couturier, F. Boyer, O. Pouliquen, E. Guazzelli ; "Suspensions in a tilted ?trough: second normal stress difference", J. Fluid Mech. 686, 26-39. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
P. Nott, E. Guazzelli, O. Pouliquen ; "The suspension balance model revisited", ?Phys. Fluids 23, 043304. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
L. Rondon, O. Pouliquen, P. Aussillous ; "Granular collapse in a fluid: role of the ?initial volume fraction", Phys. Fluids 23, 073301. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
F. Boyer, O. Pouliquen, E. Guazzelli ; "Dense suspensions in rotating-rod flows: ?normal stresses and particle migration", J. Fluid Mech. 686, 5-25. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
K. A. Reddy, Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Evidence of mechanically activated ?processes in slow granular flows", Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,108301. ? | RICL | 2011 | MDFC |
Y. Corre, M. Lipa, G. Agarici, V. Basiuk, L. Colas, X. Courtois, G. Dunand, R. Dumont, A. Ekedahl, J.-L. Gardarein, C.C. Klepper, V. Martin, V. Moncada, C. Portafaix, F. Rigollet, R. Tawizgant, J.-M Travère, K. Vulliez ; "Heat Flux calculation and problem of flaking of Boron carbide coatings on the Faraday screen of the ICRH antennas during Tore Supra high power, long pulse operation", Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2011) 429-441 010. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
E. Delchambre-Demoncheaux, G. DeTemmerman, T. Loarer, E. Gauthier, G. Dunand, J.-L. Gardarein, A. Kirk, V. Moncada, J.-M. Travère ; "Surface temperature measurement in the medium and long wavelength infrared range on MAST, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Y. Corre, S. Carpentier, J.-L. Gardarein, C. Balorin, X. Courtois, C. Desgranges, G. Dunand, F. Escourbiac, M. Jouve, J. Gaspar, E. Gauthier, J. Gunn, M. Lipa, T. Loarer, Y. Marandet, V. Moncada, H. Roche, J.-M. Travère ; "Heat flux pattern at grazing incidence in Tore Supra: Consequence of tile misalignment", Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (2011) S973-S976. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
J. Bucalossi, C. Reux, F. Saint-Laurent, M. Bécoulet, Y. Corre, P. Devynck, J.-L. Gardarein, C. Gil, J. Gunn, G. Huysmans, P. Monier-Garbet, J.L. Ségui, E. Tsitrone ; "Assessment of massive gas injection as a disruPTion mitigation tool in Tore Supra", Journal of Nuclear Materials 415, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
B. Saoutic and Tore Supra Team ; "Contribution of Tore Supra in preparation of ITER", Nuclear Fusion 51 (2011) 094014. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
X. Courtois, C. Sortais, D. Melyukov, J.-L. Gardarein, A. Semerok, C. Grisolia ; "Development of laser lock-in thermography for plasma facing components surface characterisation", Fusion Engineering and Design 86 , 1714-1718 (2011). | RICL | 2011 | PT |
J. Barrau, J. Rosell, D. Chemisana, L. Tadrist, M. Ibañez ; "Effect of a hybrid jet impingement/micro-channel cooling device on the performance of densely packed PV cells under high concentration, Solar Energy, 85 (11), pp. 2655-2665. 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
L. Aprin, P. Mercier, L. Tadrist ; "Local heat transfer analysis for boiling of hydrocarbons in complex geometries: A new approach for heat transfer prediction in staggered tube bundle", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (19-20), pp. 4203-4219. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Coatanéa, M., Duchateau, J.-L., Lacroix, B., Nicollet, S., Rodriguez-Mateos, F., Topin, F. ; "Selection of a quench detection system for the ITER CS magnet", 2011, Fusion Eng. Design, 86, pp. 1418-1421. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Corre, Y., Lipa, M., Agarici, G., Basiuk, V., Colas, L., Courtois, X., Dunand, G., Dumont et al. ; "Heat flux calculation and problem of flaking of boron carbide coatings on the Faraday screen of the ICRH antennas during Tore Supra high power, long pulse operation", Fusion Eng. Design, 86, pp. 429-441. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Romanelli, F., Laxåback, M., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K.M. et al. ; "Overview of JET results", Nuclear Fusion, 51, pp. 94008. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Rahli, O., Bennacer, R., Bouhadef, K., Ameziani, D.E. ; "Three-dimensional mixed convection heat and mass transfer in a rectangular duct: Case of longitudinal rolls", 2011, Numerical Heat Transfer ; Part A: Applications, 59, pp. 349-371. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Zaabout, A., Bournot, H., Occelli, R., Draoui, A. ; "Solids behavior in dilute zone of a CFB riser under turbulent conditions", Particuology, 9, pp. 598-605. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Zaabout, A., Bournot, H., Occelli, R., Kharbouch, B. ; "Local solid particle behavior inside the upper zone of a circulating fluidized bed riser", Advanced Powder Technology, 22, pp. 375-382. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Nicolas, X., Medale, M., Glockner, S., Gounand, S. ; "Benchmark solution for a three-dimensional mixed-convection flow, part 1: Reference solutions", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 60, pp. 325-345. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Nicolas, X., Medale, M., Glockner, S., Gounand, S. ; "Benchmark solution for a three-dimensional mixed-convection flow, part 2: Analysis of richardson extrapolation in the presence of a singularity", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 60, pp. 346-369, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Zaabout, A., Bournot, H., Occelli, R., Draoui, A. ; "Solids behavior in dilute zone of a CFB riser under turbulent conditions", Particuology, 9, pp. 598-605, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Zaabout, A., Bournot, H., Occelli, R., Kharbouch, B. ; "Local solid particle behavior inside the upper zone of a circulating fluidized bed riser", Advanced Powder Technology, 22, pp. 375-382, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Baouab, I.B., Bournot, H., Saïd, N.M., Mhri, H., Le Palec, G. ; "Dispersion of a bent chimney fume around a variably oriented building", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225, pp. 843-852, 2O11. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Baouabe, I.B., Bournot, H., Saïd, N.M., Mhiri, H., Palec, G.L. ; "Experimental and numerical analysis of the jet dispersion from a bent chimney around an obstacle", Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, pp. 323-342, 2011 | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Brutin D., Sobac B., Loquet B., Sampol J. ; "Pattern formation in drying drops of blood", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 667, pp. 85-95, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Brutin D., Sobac B., F. Rigollet, C. LeNiliot ; "Infrared visualization of thermal motion inside a sessile drop deposited onto a heated surface", Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., Vol. 35, pp. 521-530, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Barber J., Brutin D., L. Tadrist ; "A review on boiling heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids", Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 :280, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Barber J., Brutin D., Sefiane K., Gardarein J.L., Tadrist L. ; "Unsteady-state fluctuations analysis during bubble growth in a rectangular microchannel", Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., Vol. 54, pp. 4784-4792, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Structural and evaporative evolutions in desiccating sessile drops of blood", Phys. Rev. E, 84 :011603, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Sobac B., Brutin D. ; "Triple-line behavior and wettability controlled by nano-coated substrates: Influence on sessile drop evaporation", Langmuir, Vol. 21, 14999-15007, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
Brutin D., Sobac B., Nicloux C. ; "Influence of substrate nature on the evaporation of a sessile drop of blood", J. Heat Transf., vol 134, 061101, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
D. Brutin, B. Sobac, B. Loquet, J. Sampol ; "Pattern formation in drying drops of blood, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 667, pp. 85-95, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
F.Koffi, C.Abid, M. Medale and F.Papini ; "Mixed convection flow in a horizontal rectangular channel submitted to a horizontal thermal gradient, Heat and Mass transfer, Vol. 47, N°10, 2011, pp. 1251-1260. Journal of Fluid Mechanics", Vol. 667, pp. 85-95, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
S. Amraqui, A. Mezhrab and C. Abid ; "Combined natural convection and surface radiation in solar collector equipped with partitions Applied Solar Energy, Volume 47, N°1, pp. 36-47., 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
S. Amraqui, A. Mezhrab and C. Abid ; "Computation of coupled surface radiation and natural convection in an inclined"T"form cavity" Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 52, pp. 1165-1174. 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
F.Z. Ferahta, S. Bougoul, D. Ababsa and C. Abid ; "Numerical study of the convection in the air gap of a solar collector Energy Procedia, Volume 6, pp. 177-185, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | PT |
V. Pavan, J. Chastanet ; "Gas-solid heat transfer in gas flows under Klinkenberg conditions : comparison between the homogenization and the kinetic approaches, JPorMedia.v14.i2.30 pages 127-148, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
V. Pavan ; "General Entropic Approximations for Canonical Systems Described by Kinetic Equations, Journal of Statistical Physics, V. 142, issue 4, pp 792-827, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
Y. Billaud, A. Kaiss, J.-L. Consalvi, B. Porterie ; "Monte Carlo Estimation of Thermal Radiation from Wildland fires, Int. J. of Thermal Sciences 50, 2-11, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
L. Zekri, A. Kaiss, J.-P. Clerc, B. Porterie, N. Zekri ; "2D-to-3D percolation crossover of metal-insulator composites", Physics Letters A 375, 346-351, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
A. Chauvin, G. Jourdan, E. Daniel, L. Houas and R. Tosello ; "Experimental investigation of the propagation of a planar shock wave into a two-phase gas-liquid medium, Physics of Fluids, 23, 113301, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, O. Igra and A. Massol ; "Experimental investigation of door dynamic opening caused by impinging shock wave, Shock Waves Journal, Vol 21, N 1, P 19-28, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
O. Le Métayer, A. Massol, N. Favrie & S. Hank ; "A discrete model for compressible flows in heterogeneous media, J. Comp. Physics (2011), Vol. 230, pp. 2470-2495, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, A. Ph. Polikarpov, F. Sharipov ; "Numerical modelling of rare?ed gas ?ow through a slit at arbitrary gas pressure ratio based on the kinetic equation, ZAMP, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s00033-011-0178-4, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
R. Menina, R. Saurel, R. Zereg and L. Houas ; "Modelling gas dynamics in one-dimensional ducts with abrupt area change, Shock Waves 21(5), 451-466, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
S. Hank, R. Saurel and O. Le Metayer ; "A hyperbolic Eulerian model for two-phase dilute suspensions, Journal of Modern Physics, 997-1011, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
F. Petitpas, R. Saurel, B. K. Ahn and S. Ko ; "Modelling cavitating flow around underwater missiles" Int. J. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 3:263-273, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
R. Allouche, R. Haoui, J. D. Parisse and R. Renane ; "Study of Thermo-chemical Non-equilibrium Phenomena Behind Strong Shock Waves at Atmospheric Reentry", Advanced Materials Research Vol. 274, pp 13-22, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, A. Ph. Polikarpov, F. Sharipov ; "Numerical modeling of rare?ed gas ?ow through a slit into vacuum based on the kinetic equation", Computers & Fluids 49, 1, 8792, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, J. G. Meolans ; "Thermal transpiration ?ow: A circular cross-section micro-tube submitted to a temperature gradient", Physic of Fluids Letters, 23, 3, 2011 | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
P. Perrier, I. Graur, T. Ewart, J. G. Méolans ; "Mass flow rate measurements in microtubes: from hydrodynamic to near free molecular regime", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
L. Agostini, P. Dupont, L. Larchevêque, and J.P. Dussauge ; "Numerical study of shock-turbulent boundary layer interactions with incipient and complete separation", International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, Volume 3 - Issue 1/2, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | ECOCI |
S. Nichele, K. Bousoltane, G. Gaudart, G. Tchuen, Y. Burtschell ; "Thermo-chemical non equilibrium in the case of high-voltage circuit breaker simulations. In Energetics (IYCE), Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on (pp. 1-9). IEEE, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
G. Tchuen, F. Fogang, Y. Burtschell, P. Woafo ; "Hybrid upwind splitting scheme by combining the approaches of Roe and AUFS for compressible flow problems", International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, vol. 3(1-2), pp. 16-25, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
G. Tchuen, Y. Burtschell, D.E. Zeitoun ; "Numerical study of the interaction of type IVr around a double-wedge in hypersonic flow", Computers & fluids, vol. 50(1), pp. 147-154, 2011 | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
Ghezal, Z. Ouchiha, B. Porterie, D. Veyret, J-C. Loraud ; "Etude dynamique et thermique dun écoulement pulsé en présence dun solide chauffé en rotation", Mécanique & Industries, vol. 12, pp. 4565, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
L. Zekri, A. Kaiss, J.P. Clerc, B. Porterie, N. Zekri ; "2D-to-3D percolation crossover of metal-insulator composites", Physics Letters A, vol. 275, pp. 346-351, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
B. Jouini, M. Bouterra, O. Vauquelin, A. El Cafsi, A. Belgith, P. Bournot ; "Thermal plume in a vertical channel: Effect of the source-channel vertical spacing", Heat Transfer Research, vol. 42, pp. 557-569, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
R. Demarco, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes, S. Melis ;"Assessment of Radiative Property Models in Non-Gray Sooting Media", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 50, pp. 1672-1684, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
A. Collin, J.L. Consalvi, P. Boulet ; "Acute anisotropic scattering in a medium under collimated irradiation", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 50, pp. 19-24, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, P. Mindykowski, J.P. Vantelon, B. Porterie ; "Scaling the transport of firebrands by wind-blown plumes", Fire Safety Journal, vol. 46, pp. 4855, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
P. Boulet, G. Parent, Z. Acem, A. Kaiss, Y. Billaud, B. Porterie, Y. Pizzo, C. Picard ; "Experimental investigation of radiation emitted by optically-thin to optically-thick wildland flames", Journal of Combustion, vol. 2011, Article ID 137437, 8 pages, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
C. Lucchesi, O. Vauquelin, H. Pretrel & Ph. Bournot ; "Doorway flow from a reduced scale isothermal air/helium approach", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 50, pp. 1920-1929, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
L. Audouin, L. Chandra, J.-L. Consalvi, L. Gay, E. Gorza, V. Hohm, S. Hostikka, T. Ito, W. Klein-Hessling, C. Lallemand, T. Magnusson, N. Noterman, J.S. Park, J. Peco, L. Rigollet, S. Suard, P. Van-Hees ; "Quantifying differences between computational results and measurements in the case of a large-scale well-confined fire scenario", Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 241, pp. 18-31, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
O. Le Métayer, A. Massol, N. Favrie, S. Hank ; "A discrete model for compressible flows in heterogeneous media", Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 230(7), pp. 2470-2495, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
A. Forestier, S. Gavrilyuk ; "Criterion of hyperbolicity for non-conservative quasilinear systems admitting a partially convex conservation law", Math. Methods Appl. Sci. vol. 34, pp. 21482158, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
N. Favrie, S.Gavrilyuk ; "Dynamics of shock waves in elastic-plastic solids". In ESAIM: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 50-67, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
N. Favrie et S. Gavrilyuk ; "Mathematical and numerical model for nonlinear viscoplasticity", Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A: Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. vol. 369, Iss. 1947. pp. 28642880, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
P. Mindykowski, A. Fuentes, J.L. Consalvi, B. Porterie ; "Piloted ignition of wildland fuels", Fire Safety Journal , vol. 46(1-2), pp. 34-40, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira, A. Fuentes, P. Mindykowski, B. Porterie ; "Numerical Study of Piloted Ignition of Forest Fuel Layer", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 33(2), pp. 2641-2648, 2011.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 33(2), pp. 2641-2648, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
A. Lamorlette, R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin ; "Unstable modes of laminar round fountains on inclined wall", Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 339, pp. 250-256, 2011. | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
G. Parent, Z. Acem, A. Collin, P. Boulet, Y. Pizzo, P. Mindykowski, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie ; "Radiative flux emitted by a burning PMMA slab" Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 395, 012153, | RICL | 2011 | CRGC |
S. Launay, M. Vallée ; "State-of-the-art experimental studies on loop heat pipes", Frontiers in Heat Pipe, 2, 2011. | AR | 2011 | PT |
D. H. Pham, N. Nguyen, M. Nicolas ; "Polymères renforcés par des fibres de carbone (PRFC) une application sur le renforcement des ponts au Vietnam", Annales du bâtiment et des travaux publics, août-octobre 2011. | AR | 2011 | MDFC |
Benaicha, M., Jalbaud, O., Alaouihafidi, A., & Burtschell, Y. ; "Correlation between viscosity and v-funnel flow time", IJATER, Volume, 3, 103-108. *** | AR | 2013 | CRGC |
Benaicha, M., Jalbaud, O., Hafidi, A. A., & Burtschell, Y. ; "Rheological and Mechanical Characterization of Fiber-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete", International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), 2(7), 2277-3754, 2013. Open access*** | AR | 2013 | CRGC |
Benaicha, M., Jalbaud, O., Hafidi, A. A., & Burtschell, Y. ; "Sonic Auscultation and Mechanical Characterization of Metallic & Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete", International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), 2013.*** | AR | 2013 | CRGC |
BENAICHA, M., JALBAUD, O., ALAOUI, A. H., & BURTSCHELL, Y. ; "Correlation between the pumping and the rheological properties of self-compacting concrete: a practical study", IJETR*** | AR | 2013 | CRGC |
P. Guillemant ; "A flexible cylinder to model physical functions of consciousness", Cosmopolis, Vol 7, juin 2013 | AR | 2013 | PT |
Favrie, N., Gavrilyuk, S., Nkonga, B. et Saurel, R. ; "Sharpening Diffuse Interfaces with Compressible Flow Solvers", Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 2014, V. 4, pp. 44 - 68. Open access, 2014. | AR | 2014 | CRGC |
Benaicha, M., Jalbaud, O., Roguiez, X., & Burtschell, Y. ; "Ecoulement De Beton Dans Un V-Funnel Couplé À Un Canal Horizontal En Plexiglas: Concrete Flow In A V-Funnel Coupled To A Plexiglas Horizontal Channel", In Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (No. 6, p. 45). Editions ESKA, 2014 | AR | 2014 | CRGC |
P. Guillemant ; "Théorie de la double causalité", Revue Temps, Vol 2, pp 13-27, 2014. | AR | 2014 | PT |
Y. Forterre, P. Marmottant, C. Quilliet, X. Noblin ; "Physique des mouvements rapides chez les plantes", Reflets de la Physique. 40, 4-8. | AR | 2014 | MDFC |
P. Guillemant, J. Morisson ; "La Physique de la Conscience, éditions Trédaniel, juin 2015. | AR | 2015 | PT |
P. Guillemant ; "L'influence du futur sur le présent", La lettre de Chercheurs Toujours, N° 24, 2015. | AR | 2015 | PT |
G. Segond, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Analyse des couplages thermo-hydrauliques d'un chauffe-eau thermodynamique et robustesse des performances énergétiques", Revue générale du froid et du conditionnement d'air, 1151, 2015. | AR | 2015 | PT |
P. Guillemant ; "Could the past be unstable ?, Actes du colloque Approches pluridisciplinaires de la conscience", Institut dEtudes Avancées de Nantes, 25 février 2016. | AR | 2016 | PT |
S. Piponniau, E. Collin, P. Dupont, and J.F. Debiève ; "Simultaneous wall pressure - PIV measurements in a shock wave / tyrbulent boundary layer interac- tion", In 7th International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Phenomena (TSFP-7), Ottawa, Canada, 28-31, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
I. Graur, A. Ph. Polikarpo , F. Sharipov ; "Numerical modeling of gas flow through a slit: kitetic approach", 64 th IUVSTA Workshop, Germany, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj Nacer, P. Perrier, I. Graur ; "Mass flow rate measurements through microchannels with Gold and Silica surfaces in all flow regimes", 64th IUVSTA Workshop, Germany , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
O. Rovenskaya, A. Ph. Polikarpov, I. Graur ; "Comparison of the numerical solutions of the full Boltzmann and S-model kinetic equations for gas ?ow through a slit", Parallel CFD conference , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj Nacer, I. Graur, P. Perrier ; "Accommodation coef?cients measurement in rectangular microchannels", Proceedings on CDROM of 3rd GasMEMS International workshop and summer school, Bertinoro, Italy , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, and G. J. Meolans ; "A circular cross section micro-tube submitted to a temperature gradient", in Proceedings on CDROM of 3rd International GASMEMS Workshop, Bertinoro, Italy , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, I. Graur and P. Perrier ; "Mass flow rate measurement through rectangular microchannels for large Knudsen number range", Proc. of the ASME 2011 International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Edmonton, Canada , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, I. Graur and P. Perrier ; "Accommodation coefficient investigation in rectangular microchannels for large Knudsen number range", Proc. of the 15th International Meeting on Thermal Sciences, Tlemcen, Algerie. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, and G. J. Méolans ; "Thermal Transpiration Flow, in Proceedings on CDROM of 3nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference", Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1-7, 22-24 , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, and G. J. Méolans ; "Analysis of a thermal transpiration rarefied gas flow: a circular cross section micro-tube submitted to a temperature gradient along its axis", in Proceedings on USB key of 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, pp. 1-7, Fukuoka, Japan , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, I. Graur and P. Perrier ; "Accommodation coefficient investigation in all flow regimes: from hydrodynamic to near free molecular regimes", Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, pp. 4-9, Fukuoka, Japan, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
C. Mariani, L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ; "Long time observation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
A. Chauvin, G. Jourdan, L. Houas, A. Chinnayya and A. Hadjadj, E. Del Prete and J.-F. Haas ; "Secondary atomization on two-phase shock wave structure", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
D. Igra, O. Igra, G. Jourdan and L. Houas ; "Simulation of sphere's motion induced by shock waves", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK , 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
A. Chauvin, G. Jourdan, E. Daniel, L. Houas and R. Tosello ; "Study of the interaction between a shock wave and a cloud of droplets}", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, L. Houas and D. Zeitoun ; Waves, Manchester, UK."Effect of an impinging shock wave on a partially opened door", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
L. Houas, G. Jourdan, L. Biamino, A. Lieutaud, J.-M. Bolla, E. Garnotel and A. Moulin ; "On the effect of a shock wave on a micro-organism", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | ECOCI |
Medale, M., Cochelin, B. ; "An efficient continuation algorithm for large size coupled fluid flow and heat transfer problems", Fourth International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain july 18-21 2011, | CACI | 2011 | PT |
Franceschini, E., Metzger, B., Cloutier, G. ; "An effective medium model for ultrasound blood characterization", 2011, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 2013-2016, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
Franceschini, E., Metzger, B., Cloutier, G. ; "Forward problem study of an effective medium model for ultrasound blood characterization", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 58, pp. 2668-2679, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
Zeguai, S., Chikh, S., Rahli, O., Tadrist, L. ; "Co-current air-water two phase flow patterns in horizontal and vertical circular tube under various inlet conditions", ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM 2011, 2, pp.451-457, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
Kumar, P., Hugo, J.-M., Topin, F., Vicente, J. ; "Influence of pore and strut shape on open cell metal foam bulk properties, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1453, pp. 243-248, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
L. Léal, P. Lavieille, M. Miscevic, F. Pigache, L. Tadrist ; "Control of pool boiling incipience in confined space: dynamic morphing of the wall effect", 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (actes sur clé), Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 August 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
B. Madani, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Mini-Boiler by the use of copper metallic foam", Metfoam2011 - Busan, Korea, SePT. 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Enhancement of Heat Transfer Over Spatial Stationary and Moving Sinusoidal Wavy Wall: A Numerical Analysis", DSL2011 - Algarve, Portugal, Juillet 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, O. Rahli, M. Kessal, H. Combeau ; "Experimental study of the heat transfers in nucleate boiling: both heating wall orientation and fluid pressure influence", EUROTHERM Seminar Nr.92 Gravitational Effects on Liquid-Vapour Phase Change, Presqu'île de Giens (France), April 17-21, 2011 | CACI | 2011 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, O. Rahli, M. Kessal, H. Combeau ; "Experimental study of the heat transfers in nucleate boiling: influence of the gravity level". Sixth International Conference on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications, p. 15, Italy, SePTember 25-28, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
Y. Corre, C. Balorin, S. Carpentier, X. Courtois, R. Dejarnac, L. Delpech, C. Desgranges, E. Delchambre, M. Firdaouss, M. Jouve, J-L. Gardarein, J.Gunn, T. Loarer, V. Moncada, V. Martin, M. Prou, F. Saint-Laurent ; "Experimental study of the spreading of the deposited heat flux on the toroidal pumped limiter of Tore Supra", EPS Conference on Plasma Physic, Strasbourg (France), 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
S Guignard, L. Tachon, O. Shawky ; "A Third Order Front-Tracking model for sharp interfaces and its applications to phase change", 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
J.M. Hugo, F. Topin ; "Pore scale numerical characterization of effective conductivity and permeability tensors of anisotropic foam", Metfoam201 - Busan, Korea, SePT. 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
P. Kumar, J-M. Hugo, F. Topin, J. Dairon, Y. Gaillard ; "Experimental and pore scale numerical characterizations of thermo-physical properties of CTIFs Kelvins cell foam", Metfoam2011 - Busan, Korea, SePT. 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
J.M. Hugo, F. Topin ; "Dispersion in Metal Foam: A Pore Scale Numerical Study", DSL2011 - Algarve, Portugal, Juillet 2011. | CACI | 2011 | PT |
M. Chrust, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Domain decomposition with a spherical subdomain. A spectral azimuthal decomposition applied to a non-axisymmetric geometry, IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Flows, IIT Kanpur, India, December 12-16, 2011. | CACI | 2011 | MDFC |
R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin & F. Candelier ; "Boussinesq fountain in stratified environment ", 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, EUROMECH, Rome , 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
B. Porterie ; "Stochastic modeling of forest fire spread", Lecture Invitée, Franco-Thaï Symposium, Bangkok, février 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
J. Alengry, O. Vauquelin, T. Gelain & L. Ricciardi "Numerical and experimental study on the well mixing of a tracer in ventilation duct"10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Ventilation , Paris , 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco ; "Modeling Thermal Radiation from one-meter diameter methane pool fire", Eurotherm Conference No. 95: Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media IV, Nancy, France, 1820 April, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
G. Parent, Z. Acem, A. Collin, P. Boulet, Y. Pizzo, P. Mindykowski, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie ; "Radiative flux emitted by a burning PMMA slab", Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
Mindykowski P., Y. Pizzo, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie, L. Rigollet, C. Lallemand, "Heat transfer components at the surface of burning thick PMMA vertically-oriented slabs", Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
Suard S., C. Lapuerta, L. Rigollet, C. Lallemand, N. Sardoy, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie ; "Sensitivity analysis: a helpful tool for analyzing and optimizing CFD fire models", Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
T. Chammem, O. Vauquelin & H. Mhiri ; "Numerical investigation of the optimization of the efficiency of new longitudinal ventilation system in large enclosures", 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Ventilation, Paris, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
Y. Billaud, N. Zekri, A. Kaiss, M. Drissi, Y. Pizzo, Z. Acem, A. Collin, P-A. Santoni, F. Bosseur, P. Boulet, B. Porterie,"A hybrid small-world network/semi-physical model for predicting wildfire spread in heterogeneous landscapes", Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
Y. Pizzo, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie, J-P. Clerc, C. Lallemand, N. Zekri, L. Zekri, "Fire spread and percolation in polydisperse compartment structures", Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
Q.J. Zhang, M. Beekmann A. Albergel , B. Guillaume , C. Derognat, F. Velay-Lasry, B. Bessagnet, B. Porterie, A. Kaiss ; "Air Quality Forecast Systems: applications on wildfire and haze", 3rd Sino-French Joint Workshop on Atmospheric Environment, Qingdao, Chine, 23-27 septembre 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco, A. Fuentes ; "Influence of Radiative Property Models on Soot Production in Laminar Ethylene Diffusion Flames", Eurotherm Conference No. 95: Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media IV, Nancy, France, 1820 April 2012. | CACI | 2012 | CRGC |
L. Agostini, L. Larchevêque, and P. Dupont ; "Inviscid quasistatic modeling for unsteady shock reflection with separation", Proceedings ICTAM, Pékin, Chine, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
V. Jaunet, P. Dupont, and J.F. Debiève ; "Experimental investigation of an oblique shock reflection with separation over a heated wall", Proceedings 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA 2012-1095, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, P. Perrier, J. G. Méolans, I. Graur and M. Wüest, ; "Experimental study of the gas flows through channels with circular cross sections", Proceedings of first International GasMEMS conference, Skiathos, Grèce, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
F. Sharipov, I. Graur ; "Rarefied gas flow through a zigzag channel", ICMMC, Porto Rico, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
I. Graur ; "State of art modelling in the transitional flow regime", 12 European Vacuum conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Rojas Cardenas, I. Graur, P. Perrier, and G. J. Méolans ; "Experimental and numerical study of the Thermal Transpiration", Proceedings 28th Rarefied Gas Dynamic symposium, Saragosse, Espagne, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, P. Perrier, J. G. Méolans, I. Graur and M. Wüest ; "Tangential momentum accommodation coefficients in industrial microtubes", Proceedings 28th Rarefied Gas Dynamic symposium, Saragosse, Espagne, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann A. Albergel , B. Guillaume, C. Derognat, F. Velay-Lasry, B. Bessagnet, B. Porterie, A. Kaiss ; "Air Quality Forecast Systems: applications on wildfire and haze", 3rd Sino-French Joint Workshop on Atmospheric Environment, Qingdao, Chine, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
D. B. Mandumpala, C. Habchi, E. Daniel ; "A Model for the Atomization of Liquid Jets", 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
V. Rodriguez, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, R. Saurel, E. Lapébie, L Munier & A. Osmont ; "Investigation on the jet formation during the dispersion of a cluster of solid particles submitted to a shock wave", Proceedings of the 22st Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, Bourges, France, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
R. Tosello, D. Leriche, E. Léone, A. Chauvin, J. Zerbib, G. Jourdan, E. Daniel and L. Houas ; "Shock wave attenuation using watermist", Proceedings of the 22st Military Aspects of Blast and Shock, Bourges, France, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani and L. Houas ; "Planar shock focusing through perfect gas lens: first experimental demonstration", Proceedings of the 13rd International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, UK, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | ECOCI |
M. Medale and A. Haddad, "A 3D Low Mach number for high performance computations in natural or mixed convection Newtonian liquid flows". Journal of Physics, Conferences series, Vol. 395, 012095, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
F.Z. Ferahta, S. Bougoul, M. Medale and C. Abid ; "Influence of the air gap layer on heat transfer between the glass cover and the absorber of a thermal solar collector", 2012, 6th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, May 29- June 1 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
D. Brutin, B. Sobac ; "Influence of humidity and concentration on pattern formation of pinned drying drops of nanofluids", Bubbles and Drops, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
A. Diana, T. Steinberg, D. Brutin ; "Local analysis of the transfers around a single vapor bubble", Bubbles and Drops, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Amiel, S., Loarer, T., Pocheau, C., Roche, H., Aumeunier, M.H., Gauthier, E., Le Niliot, C., Rigollet, F. ; "Surface temperature measurement of plasma facing components with active pyrometry", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 12074, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Gaspar, J., Rigollet, F., Gardarein, J.-L., Le Niliot, C., Corre, Y. ; "Successive identification of surface heat flux and thermophysical properties of plasma facing components inside the JET tokamak: Numerical feasibility", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 12073, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Medale, M., Cochelin, B. ; "An efficient continuation algorithm for large size coupled fluid flow and heat transfer problems", 2012, MECH2012, International conference on Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academic of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, november 19-22nd 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Kong, X., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Bergheau, J.M., Medale, M. ; "3D finite element simulation of TIG weld pool", Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Schladming, Austria, june 17-22th 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Koudadje, K., Carpreau, J.-M., Medale, M., Delalondre, C., Angles, J."A theoretical and experimental study of heat and mass transfer during GTA welding of different austenitic stainless steel", 2012, 10th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability, Graz - Seggau, Austria, sePTember 24-26th 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Kong, X., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Bergheau, J.M., Medale, M. ; "Simulation of heat and fluid flow with the free surface in 3D gas tungsten arc welding", 10th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability , Graz - Seggau, Austria, sePTember 24-26th 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Kong, X., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Bergheau, J.M., Medale, M. ; "3D finite element simulation of TIG weld pool", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 33, pp. 12025, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Medale, M., Haddad, A. ; "A 3D Low Mach number for high performance computations in natural or mixed convection Newtonian liquid flows", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 12095, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Rousseau, B., Rolland, J.Y., Echegut, P., Brun, E., Vicente, J. ; "Numerical prediction of the radiative behavior of metallic foams from the microscopic to macroscopic scale", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 369, 12003, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Vicente, J., Brun, E., Hugo, J.M., Bonnet, J.P., Topin, F. ; "Determination of effective transport properties of metallic foams: Morphology and flow laws", Single and Two-Phase Flows on Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 292-331, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Saada, M.A., Chikh, S., Tadrist, L. ; "Effect of substrate thickness and thermal conductivity on an evaporating sessile drop, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 12140, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
J.M. Hugo, P. Kumar, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Impact of Geometrical parameters on thermo-physical properties of casted open cell metal foams", 4th Int. Conf. on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Purdue, Indiana, USA, 14-16 Mai 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
B. Madani, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "convective boiling in a vertical square channel filled With metallic foam », Proc. 3rd International Forum on Heat Transfer, Nagasaki, Japan, Paper No. IFHT2012-034, November 13-15, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev, 2012"Drop evaporation on an isothermal and adiabatic solid surface", Proceedings of 23 ICTAM 2012, Beijing, August 19-24, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev ; "Drop evaporation on an isothermal or adiabatic solid surface", XIV Minsk Int. Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, Minsk, Belarus, 10-13 SePTember, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Effect of substrate thickness and thermal conductivity on an evaporating sessile drop", Eurotherm Conference 2012, Poitiers, France, SePTembre 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, O. Rahli, M. Kessal, H. Combeau ; "Experimental study of boiling heat transfer on a single artificial nucleate site: influence of the wall orientation", ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, EPFL, 8 pages, Lausanne, 3-7 juin 2012,. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Corre, Y., Gardarein, J-L., Gaspar, J., Marcotte, F., Sieglin, B. ; "Heat flux calculation using embedded thermocouple in W-coated CFC tiles in the JET tokamak", 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics ,EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
J.-L. Gardarein, J. Gaspar, Y. Corre, S. Devaux, F. Rigollet, G. Arnoux, C. Le Niliot ; "Inverse heat conduction problem using thermocouple deconvolution: application to the heat flux estimation in a tokamak", High Heat Flux at High Temperatures, Space Centre Baden-Wurttemberg Stuttgart (Germany). Invité avec papier, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
S. Devaux, G. Arnoux, Y. Corre, J-L. Gardarein, J. Gaspar, P. Jacquet, F. Marcotte, G. Matthews, P. Beaumont, S. Cramp, S. Dalley, D. Kinna, A. Horton, P. Lomas, Ph. Mertens, V. Riccardo, D. Valcàrcel ; "JET-EFDA contributors,"Calorimetry of the JET ITER-Like Wall components", Plasma Surface Interaction Conference, Aachen (Germany), 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
P. Jacquet, F. Marcotte, L. Colas, G. Arnoux, V. Bobkov, Y. Corre, S. Devaux, J.-L. Gardarein, E. Gauthier, M. Graham, E. Lerche, M.-L. Mayoral, I. Monakhov, F. Rimini, A. Sirinelli, D. Van Eester ; "JET EFDA contributor,"Characterisation of local ICRF heat loads on the JET ILW",Plasma Surface Interaction Conference, Aachen (Germany) 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Y. Jobic, F. Topin, R. Occelli ; "Numerical approach of dispersion in open cell foams: Influence of cell shape», 4th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Purdue, Indiana, USA, 14-16 Mai 2012, . | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Vicente, J., Wyart, Y., Moulin, P. ; "From 2D to 3D characterization of ceramic membranes",Procedia Engineering, 44, pp. 517-520, 2012, | CACI | 2012 | PT |
Cano, G., Wyart, Y., Daurelle, J.V., Glucina, K., Bourdiol, D., Moulin, P. ; "Determination of pressure and velocity in a dead-end inside-out membrane module used in drinking water production", Procedia Engineering, 44, pp. 229-232, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | PT |
A. Benedetti, M. Nicolas, B. Dalloz, P. Sornay ; "Spreading of a cohesive granular matter on a smooth inclined plane submitted to vibration. ICTAM 2012, Pékin, Chine. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, M. Wozniak, D. Vrel, C. Grisolia ; "In-situ characterization of dust mobilized by laser cleaning methods and loss of vaccum accident, 15th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-15), Charleston, USA, 16-22 Oct., 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
S. Barbosa, F.R.A. Onofri, M. Wozniak, O. Touré, C. Grisolia ; , "Optical characterization of highly ordered aggregates of colloidal nanobeads,International Conference Series on Lasers and Interactions with Particles (LIP-2012), Rouen, France, 26- 30 March, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
K. Kumar K, L. Couëdel, C. Arnas, F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Tungsten nanoparticle formation in plasma discharges, XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG) Viana do Castelo, Portugal, July 10-14, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
M. Wozniak, F. Onofri, S. Barbosa, J. Yon, C. Caumont-Prim, J. Mroczka ; , "Detecting correlations between the morphological parameters of multi-fractal samples of fractal-like aggregates, European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), Granada, Spain, Sept. 2-7 | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
L. Couëdel, C. Arnas, K. Kumar K., S. Barbosa, F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Optical investigations of dust particles in a DC glow discharge, 41st European Physical Society (EPS) conferences on Plasma Physics Berlin, Germany, 23- 27 June, 2012 | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
M. Colombani, Y. Forterre ; , "Mechanism of active closure of the Venus flytrap : pressure probe measurements at the cellular level, Proceeding of the 7th Plant Biomechanics conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France , 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
G. Guena, J-F. Louf, O. Pouliquen, Y Forterre, E. Badel, H. Cochard, B. Moulia ; , "Poroelastic coupling in biomimetic branches, Proceeding of the 7th Plant Biomechanics conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen, Y. Forterre, V. Legué, R. Bastien, B. Moulia ; "Spinning plants : an efficient way to probe the gravitropic response of shoots, Proceeding of the 7th Plant Biomechanics conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
M. Colombani, Y Forterre ; , "How the Venus flytrap actively snaps : hydrodynamic measurements at the cellular level, Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS DFD meeting , volume 57, number 17, E17.00006, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
F. Guillard, Y Forterre, O Pouliquen ; , "Drag and lift forces in granular flows. APS DFD meeting, volume 57, number 17, H32.00001, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, M. Pailha, J. Chauchat, M. Médale, E. Guazzelli ; , "Investigation of the mobile granular layer in bed-load transport, 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italie, 9 - 13 septembre 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
M. Chrust, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Disks and spheroids freely rising or falling in Newtonian fluids, 9th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC9), Rome, Italy, September 9-13, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
O. Rahli, X. Yin, P. Rognon, B. Metzger ; "Turbulence at low Reynolds number: heat transfer enhancement in sheared suspensions., Proceedings THMTC , Palerme, Italie, 2012. | CACI | 2012 | MDFC |
J. Le Clanche, R. Mehaddi, P. Salizzoni, M. Creyssels, F. Candelier & O. Vauquelin ; "Aerodynamics of hot gases within a longitudinally ventilated tunnel", 15th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation & Fire in Tunnels, BHr Group, Barcelona, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
E. Casalé, D. Monnier, S. Lavaux, G. Giovannelli & O. Vauquelin "The fully automated ventilation response for the fire situation in the Prado-Carénage tunnel in Marseille", 15th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation & Fire in Tunnels, BHr Group, Barcelona, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Koched, H. Pretrel, L. Audouin & O. Vauquelin ; "Experimental determination of the discharge coefficient of a doorway using the SPIV technique for fire-induced flow applications", 13th International Conference on Fire Science and Engineering, INTERFLAM 2013, London (2013). | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
H. Pretrel, J. Liberati, L. Audouin & O. Vauquelin ; "Smoke flow through a horizontal vent separating two mechanically ventilated rooms from large scale fire tests ", 13th International Conference on Fire Science and Engineering, INTERFLAM 2013, London (2013). | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
Collin A., R. Berfroi, Z. Acem, G. Parent, P. Boulet, Y. Billaud, Y . Pizzo, A. Kaiss, B. Porterie ; "Identification of temperature and species within real flames using IR spectrometry data", 13th Int. Conf. Interflam, Londres, UK, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
B. Kadoch, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, S. Suard, B. Porterie ; "Etude du comportement dun feu dans une structure multi-compartimentée et ventilée mécaniquement", JITH 2013, Marrakech, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, N. Giraud, A. Kaiss, B. Kadoch, B. Porterie ; "Etude du comportement thermique dune paroi soumise à un incendie et de sa protection thermique par film deau", JITH 2013, Marrakech, 2013 | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, A. Kaiss, B. Kadoch, S. Suard, B. Porterie ; "Modélisation de la pyrolyse dun matériau solide semi-transparent", JITH 2013, Marrakech, 2013 | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Nmira, J.L. Consalvi, R. Demarco, L. Gay, "Assessment of Semi-Empirical Soot Production Model in C1-C3 Axisymmetric Lamianr Diffusion Flames", MCS 8, Izmir, Turquie, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Billaud, S. Garivait, B. Kadoch, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie, S. Suard, N. Zekri, L. Zekri, "Analyse de sensibilité pour la modélisation des incendies de forêts", JITH 2013, Marrakech, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
Y.Baara, N.Zekri, L.Zekri, J.P.Clerc, Y.Pizzo, S. Garivait, B.Porterie ; "Comportement multi-fractal des grands incendies de forêts", JITH 2013, Marrakech, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu ; "Radiative Heat transfer Through the Fuel Rich Core of Laboratory-Scale pool Fire", MCS 8, Izmir, Turquie, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, J. Contreras, A. Fuentes, F.Liu, "Evaluation of a Two-Equation PAH soot Model in Under and Over-Oxygenated Laminar Coflow Ethylene Diffusion Flames", MCS 8, Izmir, Turquie, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Liu, H. Chu, J.L. Consalvi ; "Relationship Between the Spectral Line Based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model and the Full Spectrum K-Distribution Model", MCS 8, Izmir, Turquie, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Liu, H. Chu, J.L. Consalvi ; Relationship "Between the Spectral Line Based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model and the Full Spectrum K-Distribution Model", MCS 8, Izmir, Turquie, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Liu, H. Chu, J.L. Consalvi, "Relationship Between the Spectral Line Based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model and the Full Spectrum K-Distribution Model", 7th International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, RAD 13, Kusadasi, Turquie, 2-8 June 2013, | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
F. Liu, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes, G. Smallwood ; "Effects of Water Vapor Addition to the Air Stream on Soot Formation and Flame Properties in a Laminar Coflow Ethyelene/Air Diffusion Flame", 7th International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, RAD 13, Kusadasi, Turquie, 2-8 June 2013, | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
L. Agostini, L. Larchevêque and P. Dupont ; "Features of shock wave unsteadiness in shock wave boundary layer interaction". In 8th International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Phenomena (TSFP8), Poitiers, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
T. Jiang, L. Larchevêque, and P. Dupont ; "Eduction scheme for convective structures in turbulent compressible separated flow". In 8th International Symposium On Turbulence and Shear Phenomena (TSFP8), Poitiers, , 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
V. Laithier, S. Bernardini, K. Aguir, I. Graour, P. Pierrier and M. Bendahan ; "Thermal creep flow in microfluidic device for gas detection", AMA Conferences, Nuremberg, Germany , 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
M. Hadj-Nacer, P. Perrier, J. G. Méolans, I. Graur and M. Wüest ; "Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficients in Coated Microtubes", AVS 59th International Symposium and Exhibition, Tampa, Finlande, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
M. Brouillette, G. Giordano, G. Mirshekari, C. Hébert, J.- D. Parisse and P. Perrier ; "Flow phenomena in micro scale shock tube", 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, p.235-239, Madison, University of Wisconsin, USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
J. D. Parisse, J. Giordano, D. E. Zeitoun ; "Numerical simulation of conical and spherical shock interaction Hysteresis inverstigation", 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, University of Wisconsin, USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
I. Graur ; "State of Art Modelling in the Transitional Flow Regime", 11th ICMMC, Sapporo, Japan, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
A. Polikarpov, I. Graur ; "The time evolution of a rarefied gas flow through a slit",IVC-19 conference, Paris, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
F. Sharipov, I.Graur ; "Transient thermo-molecular pressure difference in a long tube", IVC-19 conference, Paris, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
M.T. Ho, I. Graur, M. Wuest ; "Simulation of the transient heat transfer between two coaxial cylinders", IVC-19 conference, Paris, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
Y. Billaud, S. Garivait, B. Kadoch, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie, S. Suard, N. Zekri, L. Zekri ; "Analyse de sensibilité pour la modélisation des incendies de forêts", JITH, Marrakech, Maroc, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
A. Kaiss, Y. Billaud, N. Zekri, Y. Pizzo, J-P Clerc, B. Porterie ; "A hybrid small-world network/semi-physical model for large scale wildland fires",International Journal Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Number 1, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Naamane, A. Kaiss ; "State flow approach for multiple power sources management", International Journal Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Number 1, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | CRGC |
D. Leriche, R. Tosello, L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, L. Houas and C. Mariani ; "Experimental and numerical preliminary study of the interaction of a schock wave and a cavity", ISL Symposium on Protection, Perforation and Detonics, Saint Loui, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
D. Counilh, E. Del Prete, A. Chinnayya, A. Hadjadj, N. Rambert, J.-F. Haas, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani and L. Houas ; "Numerical modelling of shock-wave propagation in a shock tube filled with aqueous foam", Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, University of Wisconsin, USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
A. Chauvin, G. Jourdan, L. Biamino, E. Daniel, L. Houas, R. Tosello and D. Leriche ; "Experimental and numerical investigation of the propagation of a planar shock wave into a cloud of droplets", Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Madison, University of Wisconsin, USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, E. Del Prete, A. Chinnayya, A. Hadjadj, J. -F. Haas, N. Rambert, D. Counilh and S. Faure ; "Experimental Investigation of Shock-Wave Propagation in Aqueous Foam", In Proc. 29th ISSW, Madison (WI), USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ; "Generation of Cylindrical Converging Shock Waves in a Conventional Shock Tube", In Proc. 29th ISSW, Madison (WI), USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
V. Rodriguez, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, R. Saurel, J. -C. Loraud, L. Houas, E. Lapébie, L. Munier and A. Osmont ; "Two-Dimensional Experiment on the Jet Formation during Dispersal of Solid Particles by Shock Wave", In Proc. 29th ISSW, Madison (WI), USA, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | ECOCI |
C. Abid, R. Taher and M. Medale"Convective heat transfer in channel mixed convection, 2013, Eurotherm 96, Convective heat transfer enhancement", , Brussels, Belgium, SePTember 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
D. Brutin, F. Carle, Q.S Liu, J-C. Xie, G. Pont, B. Zappoli, "IMPACHT - Drop Wetting and Evaporation in Microgravity", Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Carle, F., Sobac, B., Brutin, D. ; "Wetting and evaporation of pure fluids droplets", Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, 2013, . | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Amiel, S., Loarer, T., Pocheau, C., Roche, H., Gauthier, E., Aumeunier, M.-H., Le Niliot, C., Rigollet, F. ; "Surface temperature measurement of plasma facing components with pulsed active pyrometry", 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and Their Applications, ANIMMA 2013, pp.6728012, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Kong, X., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Bergheau, J.M., Medale, M. ; "3D finite element simulation of TIG weld pool with free surface", ASM Proceedings of the International Conference: Trends in Welding Research, pp.910-915, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Medale, M., Chauchat, J. ; "A 3D numerical model based on the ?(I) rheology for dense granular flows", 2nd IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows, Cambridge, England, july 1-4th 2013, . | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Koudadje, K., Delalondre, C., Medale, M., Carpreau, J.-M. ; "Contribution to study of heat transfer and fluid flow during GTA welding", 2013, Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo, Paris, France, October 27-31 2013,. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Rahli, O., Yin, X., Metzger, B. ; "Effect of shear-induced diffusion on the transfer of heat across a sheared suspension", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1542, pp.1071-1074, 2013,AIP Conference Proceedings, 1542, pp.1071-1074, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Rousseau, B., Guévelou, S., Domingues, G., Vicente, J., Caliot, C., Flamant, G. ; "Prediction of the radiative properties of reconstructed alpha-SiC foams used for concentrated solar applications", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1545, pp. 20-25, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Amokrane, M., Nogarede, B., Rivière, P., Léal, L., Miscevic, M., Lavieille, P., Topin, F., Tadrist, L. ; "Multicellular piezoelectric actuator for setting in motion fluids, and heat exchange enhancement", Informal Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and Their Application to Mechatronics, ECMSM 2013, pp. 6648958, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
C. Cadile, F. Topin, L. Tadrist, ; "euler-lagrange/dem simulation of shallow dense fluidized bed dynamic and application to wood gasification", Fluidisation XIV, Amsterdam, Neederland, 26-30 Mai 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
K. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Investigation of local heat transfer in plate heat exchanger using infrared thermography", 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-20, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
R.S. Hassani, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev ; "Modeling bubble formation and detachment in a co-current upward two phase flow in a capillary tube", 12th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Saints Constantine and Helena, Varna, Bulgaria, 23-26 SePTember 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Aumeunier, M.-H., Corre, Y., Firdaouss, E. Gauthier, T. Loarer, Travere, J.-M., Gardarein, J.L. and EFDA Jet Contributors ; "Multi parametric sensitivity study applied to temperature measurement of metallic Plasma Facing Components in fusion devices", 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and Their Applications, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
Devaux, S., Arnoux, G., Balboa, I., Gardarein, J.-L., Sieglin, B. ; "Calibration of an Infrared Camera on JET , 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013. | CACI | 2013 | PT |
M. Amokrane, B. Nogarede, P. Riviere, L. Léal, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Multicellular piezoelectric actuator for setting in motion fluids, and heat exchange enhancement », ECMSM, 2013 IEEE 11th Int. Workshop, ?Toulouse, France, Juin 22-26, 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin ; "Hydraulic properties of Kelvin like foam: Influence of porosity and strut shapes », 5th International conf. On porous media, Pragues, 22-24 mai 2013, | CACI | 2013 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin ; "About Thermo-Hydraulic properties of open cell foams: Pore scale numerical analysis of strut shapes», DSL2013, Madrid, Spain, 24-28, Juin 2013 | CACI | 2013 | PT |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Radev, M. Sentis, C. Pelcé ; , "Near-critical-angle scattering for the characterization of bubbly flows: spheroidal bubbles, 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2013), Jeju, Korea, May 26 31, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, M. Wozniak, O. Touré, S. Barbosa, C. Pelcé ; , "Characterization of self-assembled, densely-packed and highly-ordered aggregates of silica nanoparticles produced by means of a spray drying method, 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow Jeju, Korea, May 26 31, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre, JJ Jerome, N. Vandenberghe, L. Duchemin ; , "Impact in dense granular suspensions : crucial role of dilatancy and pore pressure feedback. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS DFD meeting , volume 58, number 18, G32.00002, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
J. Duek, M. Chrust, G. Bouchet ; "Transitional dynamics of freely falling discs, ERCOFTAC International Symposium"Unsteady Separation in Fluid-Structure Inter-action", Mykonos, Greece, June 17-21, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
E Guazzelli, G Bouchet, L Bergougnoux ; "The motion of spherical particles falling in a cellular flow field, APS DFD Meeting, volume 58, Number 18, A8.00002, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
M. Medale and J. Chauchat ; "A 3D numerical model based on the ?(I) rheology for dense granular flows, 2nd IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows, july 1-4th, Cambridge, England, 2013. | CACI | 2013 | MDFC |
A. Mos, J. Le Clanche, P. Salizzoni, M. Creyssels, C. Nicot & O. Vauquelin ; "The influence of source characteristics and heat losses on the upwind flow of smoke in a longitudinally ventilated tunnel : experiments and numerical simulations ", 6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security, ISTSS, Marseille (2014). | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
E. Casalé, O. Vauquelin, D. Monnier, C. Bénichou & G. Giovannelli ; "The recent improvements in the fire safety in the Marseilles tunnels and metro network ", 6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security, ISTSS, Marseille, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
H. Pretrel, K. Varrall, L. Audouin & O. Vauquelin ; "Smoke induced flow in two rooms mechanically ventilated and linked with an horizontal vent type opening ", 11th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, IAFSS, University of Canterbury, New Zealand , 2014. | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
R. Sayada, A. Thiry, A. Lamorlette & O. Vauquelin ; "Horizontal flame spread model calculated iteratively with two convolution products ",11th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, IAFSS, University of Canterbury, New Zealand , 2014. | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
Y. Billaud, M. De Gennaro, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, N. Zekri, B. Porterie ; "Coupling a meshless front-tracking method with a hybrid model of wildfire spread across heterogeneous landscapes", 7th ICFFR, Coimbra, novembre, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
Baara et al., "Characteristic length of radiative ignition from wildland flames", 7th ICFFR, Coimbra, novembre, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | CRGC |
C. M. Helm, P. Martin, and P. Dupont ; "Characterization of the Shear Layer in a Mach 3 Shock/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
A.M. Schreyer, P. Dupont, J.F. Debiève, V. Jaunet, and J.J. Lasserre ; "Development of a dual-piv system for high-speed flow applications", 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon, Portugal, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
M.T. Ho, J-D Parisse, I. Graur ; "Oscillatory Couette flow of binary rarefied gas mixture", 4th European Conference on Microfluidics, Limerick, Ireland, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
P. Perrier, J. Giordano, M. Brouillette ; "Shock wave attenuation study at micro-scales", 4th European Conference on Microfluidics, Limerick, Ireland, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
M.-C. Druguet, A. Bultel, J. Annaloro, P. Omaly ; "Comparison of chemical kinetics rates and equilibrium / nonequilibrium vibrational relaxation with using global models", Application to TC3, ESA SP, The Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Radiation of High-Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry, St Andrews, Scotland, UK, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
H. Frihi, W. Soua, A. Kaiss, L. Tadrist ; "Flow patterns and wavelength measurement for liquid film falling around horizontal tube", Composite Materials & Renewable Energy Applications (ICCMREA), International Conference on, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ICCMREA.2014.6843802, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
R. Tosello, H. Jobbé-Duval, D. Leriche, E. Léone, I. Sochet, L. Blanc, L. Biamino, C. Mariani, G. Jourdan and L. Houas , "Numerical and experimental investigation of reflected and refracted blast waves", Proceedings of the 14st International Shock Interaction Symposium, Riga-Latvia, Russie, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, C. Mariani, G. Jourdan, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ,"Experimental investigation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in a cylindrical geometry using a gas lens approach", Proceedings of the 14st International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, San Fransisco, USA, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Carle, S. Semenov, M. Medale, D. Brutin ; "Development of an Empirical Model for Convective Evaporation of Sessile Droplets of Volatile Fluids", Int. Heat Transfer Conference, pp. 8711, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
G. Segond, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Analysis of thermo-hydraulic couplings in a heat pump water heating system", 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15 2014, | CACI | 2014 | PT |
K. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Study of the vapor superheat in Plate heat exchanger based on infrared thermography", 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
Medale, M., Cerisier, P. ; "From linear to highly non-linear steady-state pattern bifurcation diagrams in confined surface tension-driven-convection", IMA7, 7th Conference of the International Marangoni Association, Vienna, Austria, june 23-26th, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
Medale, M., Cochelin, B. ; "ANM supplemented with power series analysis to compute 3d incompressible fluid flow"s, WCCM-ECCM-ECFD 2014, Barcelona, Spain, july 20 - 25, 2014, | CACI | 2014 | PT |
S. Guévelou, B. Rousseau, G. Domingues, J. Vicente ; "Towards the development of simple methods for determining normal absorPTances of open-cell foams based on opaque materials",Journal of Physics Conference Series, 676, 2014, | CACI | 2014 | PT |
C. Bouchenna, M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Flow inside evaporating water sessile drop: A numerical study", 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC15-8347, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014, | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Boubendir, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Effect of Inlet Conditions on Air-Water Two Phase Flow in the Entrance Region of a Microchannel", AccePTed and to be presented at ASME 2014, 12th Int. Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 3-7, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
S.R. Hassani, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev ; "Modeling two phase flow regimes in vertical circular minichannels", 12th Int. Conference on Nanochannels Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM 2014, ASME, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 3-7, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
S.R. Hassani, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev ; "Bubble growth in a two phase upward flow in a miniature tube", Paper 14NL050096, Int. Conference on Fluids Engineering, ICFE 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-16 May, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
S.R. Hassani, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev, "Liquid film thickness and pressure drop for annular flow in mini or microchannel", 5th int. Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow at Microscale, HTFFM V, Marseille, France, 22-25 April, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
A. Maatar, S. Chikh, M. Ait Saada, L. Tadrist ; "Unsteady effects on the evaporation of a sessile droplet", 5th int. Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow at Microscale, Marseille, France HTFFM V, 22-25 April, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
C. Bouchenna, M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Flow in an Evaporating Water Drop on a Heated Substrate", 5th int. Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow at Microscale, HTFFM V, Marseille, France, 22-25 April, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Boubendir, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Modeling two phase flow in a horizontal mini or microduct", 5th int. Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow at Microscale, HTFFM V, Marseille, France, 22-25 April, 2014, | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Leal, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "On the effect of the dynamic contact angle of a vapor embryo interface trapped in a nucleation site", 4th Micro Nano flows Conference, Brunel University London, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
G. El Achkar, K . Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Effets de la surchauffe de la vapeur sur le comportement thermo-hydraulique dun échangeur à plaques brasées en condensation convective", Proc. of Congrès Français de Thermique (Lyon, 2014). ??? | CACI | 2014 | PT |
M. Zamoum, B. Dubrac, F. Goepper, L. Tadrist, H. Combeau, M. Kessal ; "Experimental study of transport phenomena at the onset of nucleate boiling using a boilingmeter", 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15 - 9404, Kyoto, August 10-15, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Leal, P. Lavieille, M. Miscevic, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Nucleation incipience on a heated surface : effect of pressure oscillations", 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15-9102 , Kyoto, August 10-15, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
B. Lacroix, S. Nicollet, D. Bessette, J-L. Duchateau, F. Gauthier, C. Hoa, F. Topin ; "Proposal of Experiments in HELIOS Facility for Assessment of Thermal Efficiency of ITER TF Coil Case Cooling Channelsl", 28th SOFT, 2 San Sebastian, Espagne, 9 SePT. -3 Oct. 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin ; "Influence of strut shape and porosity on geometrical and thermo-physical properties of Kelvin-like anisotropic metal foams", 15th IHTC, Kyoto, Japon,10-15 Aout 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Léal, P. Lavieille, M. Miscevic, F. Pigache, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Nucleation incipience on a heated surface - effect of pressure oscillations", 15th IHTC, Kyoto, Japon, 10-15 Aout 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
L. Léal, P. Lavieille, F. Pigache, F. Topin, L. Tadrist, M. Miscevic ; "Dynamic Activation of a Single Vapor Embryo Growth", HTFFM2014, ?Marseille, France, April 22-26, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | PT |
Pellegrino A.M., Schippa L., Guazzelli É., Pouliquen O. ; "Experiments in shear flow of granular-fluid suspension and dense mixture, River Flow 2014 Schleiss et al. (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2. | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
C. Montet, M. Sentis, F. Onofri ; , "Characterization of nanoparticles aggregates by static light scattering, 10th International Conference Series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2014), Marseille, France, August 25-29th, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Sentis, F.R.A. Onofri, F. Chauchard, O. Dhez, J.-Y. Laurent ; , "Conformable organic photo sensors for particle systems characterization, 10th International Conference Series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2014), Marseille, France, August 25-29th, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Sentis, F.R.A. Onofri, F. Chauchard, O. Dhez, J.-Y. Laurent ; , "Organic photo sensors: a revolution for the development of innovative particle sizing methods, in 17th Int. Symp on Appl. Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, paper Lisbon, Portugal, July 07-10 | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
L. Couëdel, C. Arnas, K. Kumar K., S. Barbosa, F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Optical investigations of dust particles in a DC glow discharge, in 41st European Physical Society (EPS) conferences on Plasma Physics Berlin, Germany, 23- 27 June | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
J-F Louf, G. Guena, Y. Forterre, E. Badel ; , "Hydraulic pulse induced by bending in synthetic and natural branches: role in plant mechano-perception, Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS DFD meeting 2014, volume 58, number 20, M9.00004 | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
D. Lopez, L. Bergougnoux, G. Bouchet, E. Guazzelli ; "Particles settling in a cellular flow field at low Stokes number, 10th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC10), Lyngby, Denmark, September 14-18, 2014. | CACI | 2014 | MDFC |
K. Varrall, H. Pretrel, S. Vaux & O. Vauquelin ; "Effect of the mechanical ventilation on the bidirectional smoke flow through horizontal vent using Stereo PIV technique", 2nd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Nicosie (2015). | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
N. Giraud, C. Lallemand, C. Rolland, P. Boulet, M. De Gennaro, J-C. Loraud, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie ; "Un modèle de réseau pour la propagation dun incendie dans une structure massivement multi-compartimentée", JITH 2015, Marseille, 28-30 octobre 2015, | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
M. De Gennaro, Y. Billaud, M. El Hajj, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie, "Un modèle de propagation de feu de forêt avec suivi dinterface et maillage adaptatif", JITH 2015, Marseille, 28-30 octobre 2015, | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Kacem, M. Mense, Y. Pizzo, S. Suard, G. Boyer, B. Porterie,"Simulation prédictive de la combustion de plaques de PMMA", JITH 2015, Marseille, 28-30 octobre 2015, | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
M. Mense, Y. Pizzo, A. Kacem, C. Lallemand, G. Parent, P. Boulet, J-C. Loraud, B. Porterie, "Débit de pyrolyse et flux de chaleur à la surface de plaques de PMMA effet déchelle", JITH 2015, 28-30 octobre 2015, Marseille. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
A. Kacem, Y. Pizzo, G. Boyer, S. Suard, B. Porterie, "Comparative evaluation of clear PMMA pyrolysis models", 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Rhodes, Greece, June 7-11 2015, | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira ; "Effects of soot absorption coefficient-Planck function correlation on radiative heat transfer in oxygenated-enriched propane turbulent diffusion flame", CTRPM V, Albi, France, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira ; "Modeling Sooting Turbulent Diffusion Flames with an Hybrid Flamelet/DQMOM-IEM Model", MCS 9, Rhodes, Grèce, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
F. Nmira, D. Burot, J.L. Consalvi, "Stochastic Eulerian Field Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in a Propane Oxygenated-Enhanced Turbulent Diffusion Flame", MCS 9, Rhodes, Grèce, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
J. Contreras, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes, F. Liu ; "numerical investigation of soot formation and radiative heat transfer in ethylene microgravity laminar boundary layer diffusion flames", ECM2015, Budapest, Hongrie, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
J. Contreras, J.L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes, F. Liu ; "On the Structure of Sooting Microgravity laminar Boundary Layer Diffusion Flames and its Impact in Radiative Heat Transfer", MCS 9, Rhodes, Grèce, 2015.. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
R. Demarco, A. Antinao, K. Munoz-Feucht, J.L. Consalvi, F. Nmira, A. Fuentes, "Numerical Study of Oxygen Index on Soot Production and Radiation in Ethylene Inverse Diffusion Flames", MCS 9, Rhodes, Grèce, 2015.. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
F. Escudero, A. Fuentes, R. Demarco, J.L. Consalvi, F. Liu, J.C. Elicer-Cortés, C. Fernandez-Pello,"Effects of Oxygen Index on Soot Production and Temperature in an Ethylene Inverse Diffusion Flame", MCS 9, Rhodes, Grèce, 2015.. | CACI | 2015 | CRGC |
I. Bennaceur, D.-C. Mincu, I. Mary, M. Terracol, L. Larchevêque and P. Dupont ; "Numerical simulation of spectral broadening of an acoustic wave by a spatially growing turbulent mixing layer", In 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
A. M. Schreyer, L. Larchevêque, and P. Dupont ; "Method for spectra estimation from high-speed experimental data at discrete points in time", In 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Finlande, 5-9, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
D. Maharjan, M. Hadj-Nacer, M. Greiner, MT Ho, I. Graur, S. Stefanov ; "Simulation of heat transfer across rarefied gas in annular and planar geometries: comparison of Fluent, DSMC and DVM methods results", ASME 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, San Francisco, California, USA 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
T. Manzo, M. Hadj-Nacer, M. T. Ho, I. Graur, M. Greiner ; "Phenomena affecting used nuclear fuel cladding temperatures during vacuum drying operations", International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management conference, Charleston, SC, USA, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
M.T Ho, I. Graur ; "Kinetic approach for simulation of the transient shock waves propagation in orifice flows", Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
M.T. Ho, H. Yamaguchi, T. Imai, T. Iwai, A. Kondo, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi, I. Graur ; "Heat transfer between two concentric spheres: experiments and simulations, 2nd European Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
M. Brouillette, P. Perrier J. Giordano ; "Visualization of shock attenuation in microchannels", ISSW30, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
M.-C. Druguet, A. Bultel, J. Annaloro, P. Omaly ; "Computations of a shock layer flow field with global and detailed chemistry models", The Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel Aviv, Israel, 19-24, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
O. Harrouz, K. Khelloufi, Y. Baara, A. Kaiss, J-P. Clerc, N. Zekri ; "Nouvelle formulation de la loi de Byram", JITH, Marseille, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
R. Tosello, L. Biamino, D. Leriche, C. Mariani, G. Jourdan, J.-C. Loraud L. Houas ; "Study on the jet formation during dispersal solid particles by shock and blast wave", Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
V. Rodriguez, R. Saurel, G. Jourdan and L. Houas ; "Blast wave impact on a parallelepiped headed with a semi-cylindrical model drilled with a rectangular cavity", Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel Aviv, Israël, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C.Mariani, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ; "Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in a cylindrical geometry using a conventional shock tube", In Proc. 30th ISSW, Tel-Aviv, Israël, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | ECOCI |
M. Souzy, B. Metzger, C. Abid , E. Villermaux, "Mixing at low Reynolds number by shearing suspensions", 2015, Annual European Rheology Conference, Nantes France. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
S. Aggoune, C. Abid and E.H. Amara, "Laminar ejection of stainless steel film during fusion laser cutting process", 8th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, Amman, Jordan, May 18-21, 2015, | CACI | 2015 | PT |
A. Mekroud, C. Abid ; "Tribological behavior of aluminium Pin/Steel C45 E disc in presence of magnetic field alternative", METECH15, Istanbul Turkey, 2015, | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Bos, W.J.T., Kadoch, B., Schneider, K. ; "Angular statistics of lagrangian trajectories", European Turbulence Conference 15, Delft 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Kadoch, B., Bos, W.J.T., Schneider, K. ; "Direction change of fluid particles in confined two-dimensional turbulence", 2015, European Turbulence Conference 15, Delft 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Nguyen, M. C., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Medale, M. ; "Numerical simulation of welding positions in Gas Tungsten Arc welding", 11th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability, Graz - Seggau, Austria, sePTember 27-30th 2015, | CACI | 2015 | PT |
E.R. Dario, J. Passos, L. Tadrist ; "Pressure drop and ONB during flow boiling inside parallel micro channels, 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Boulder, USA, April 26-30 2015, | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Y. Addab, C. Martin, C. Pardanaud, G. Giacometti, M. Cabié, J.L Gardarein, C. Perrin-Pellegrino and P. Roubin ; "Thin tungsten oxide layers: structural properties and deuterium retention. », PFMC 2015, Aix en Provence, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
J. Denis, B. Pégourié, J. Bucalossi, H. Bufferand, G. Ciraolo, J-L. Gardarein, J. Gaspar, C. Grisolia, E. Hodille, M. Missirlian, E. Serre, P. Tamain ; "Wall surface temperature calculation in the SolEdge2D-EIRENE transport code », PFMC 2015, Aix en Provence, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Bos, W.J.T., Kadoch, B., Schneider, K., "Angular statistics of lagrangian trajectories", European Turbulence Conference 15, Delft 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
Kadoch, B., Bos, W.J.T., Schneider, K. ; "Direction change of fluid particles in confined two-dimensional turbulence", 2015, European Turbulence Conference 15, Delft 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar F. Topin "Introduction of Forchheimer number to characterize friction factor of open-cell foams», METFOAM-2015, Barcelona, Spain, SePTember 2015, | CACI | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin ; "Relevance of morphological parameters in predicting flow law characteristics and thermal conductivity of open-cell foams», JITH-2015, Marseille, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin "An overview and introduction of effective solid tortuosity to determine effective thermal conductivity correlation of open cell foams», JITH-2015, Marseille, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar F. Topin ; "What is the characteristics length scale to determine friction factor of the porous medium», INTERPORE-2015, Padoue, Italie, May 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
A. Louzguiti, L. Zani, D. Ciazynski, B. Turck and F. Topin ; "Development of an analytical-oriented extensive model for AC coupling losses in multi-layer superconducting composite" , EUCAS 2015 Lyon, 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar F. Topin ; "Flow law characteristics in open cell foams: Characterization of Ergun parameters», European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics (ESAT) Athens, Greece, June 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
De Poulpiquet, N. Mano, R. Gadiou, V. Wernert, C. Leboin, R. Denoyel, F. Topin, E. Lojou ; "How to advance the frontiers of H2/O2 bio fuel cells ?», FDFC 2015, Toulouse, Fevrier 2015. | CACI | 2015 | PT |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, M. Krysiek, J. Mroczka, C. Pelcé, M. Sentis, M. Wozniak ; , "Optical characterization of particle systems from large non spherical bubbles and drops down to nanoscale aggregates, 2nd Forum Franco-Polonais de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, Warsaw, Poland, 1st May, 2015 | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, K. F. Ren, Q. Gaubert, M. Sentis ; , "Fine structures of the near-backward scattering of single spheroid droplets: characterization of size and temperature, XVth Electromagnetic & Light Scattering Int. Conference (ELS XV), Leipzig, Germany, 21-26 June | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
K. F. Ren, F.R.A. Onofri, M. Sentis, Q. Gaubert, M. Yang, X. Sheng ; , "The fine structure in the scattering diagrams of large ellipsoidal droplets predicted by the Vectorial Complex Ray Model, 9th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows (ISMTMF), Sapporo, Japan, 23-25th September | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Light-scattering by particles: a few physical phenomena & laboratory diagnostics, Worshop"Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions, Collaborative Research Center Transregio 75 (SFB-TRR75)", Stuttgart, Germany, 8-9th October. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
L. Couëdel, S. Barbosa, C. Arnas, F.R.A. Onofri ; , "Dynamics of a growing dust particle cloud in a direct-current argon sputtering glow discharge", 32th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gas (ICPIG), Lasi, Romania 26-31July. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Benyamine, B. Dalloz-Dubrujeaud, P. Aussillous ; "Discharge flow of a bidisperse granular media from a silo, 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, Nantes, France, 14 - 17 avril 2015. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
Y. Zhou, P. Ruyer, P. Aussillous ; "Models for grains and gas ejection dynamics following the rupture of a nuclear fuel rod, 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, Nantes, France, 14 - 17 avril 2015. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
Y. Zhou, P. Aussillous, P. Ruyer ; , "Models for gas and grains ejection dynamics from a silo, Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS DFD meeting 2015, volume 60, number 21, L10.00011 | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
J.-F. Louf, G. Guéna, Y. Forterre, E. Badel ; , "Poroelastic coupling in natural and synthetic branches: relation with plants mechano-perception, Fluid and Elasticity 2015, Biarritz, France, 2224 June | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
G. Guéna, J-F. Louf, E. Badel, Y. Forterre ; "A universal mechanism for hydraulic signals generation in natural and artificial branches, 8th Plant biomechanics international conference, Nagoya, Japan, 30 nov - 4 déc 2015. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
H. Chauvet, O. Pouliquen, Y. Forterre, V. Legué, B. Moulia ; "On the role of gravity in shoot gravisensing, 8th Plant biomechanics international conference, Nagoya, Japan, 30 nov - 4 déc 2015. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Souzy, E. Villermaux, C. Abid, Bloen Metzger ; "Expérience de Taylor dans une suspension de particules, Proceedings du 22ièmeÊCongrès Francais de Méchanique (CFM), Lyon, France. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
B. Néel, H. Lhuissier, L. Limat ; "Viscoelasticity breaks the symmetry of impacting jets, Fluid and Elasticity 2015, Biarritz, France. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
A. Gaillard, L. Lebon, H. Lhuissier, L. Limat, J. Beaumont ; "Viscoelastic liquid curtains, European Coating Symposium Eindhoven, Netherlands. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
B. Néel, L. Limat, H. Lhuissier ; "Symmetry breaking on viscoelastic jet impacts and polygonal sheets, Droplets 2015, Twente, Netherlands. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
A. Klein, W. Bouwhuis, CW. Visser, H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, J. Snoeijer, E. Villermaux, D. Lohse & H. Gelderblom ; "Drop shaping and fragmentation by laser pulse impact, Droplets 2015, Twente, Netherlands. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
H. Lhuissier, P. Brunet, S. Dorbolo :"Blowig a liquid curtain, APS-DFD meeting 2015, Boston, USA. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
PB. Bintein, H. Lhuissier, L. Royon, C. Mangeney, A. Mongruel & D. Beysens ; "Microgrooves improve dew collection, APS-DFD meeting 2015, Boston, USA. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
A. Klein, W. Bouwhuis, CW. Visser, H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, J. Snoeijer, E. Villermaux, D. Lohse, H. Gelderblom ; "Drop shaping and fragmentation by laser pulse impact", APS-DFD meeting 2015, Boston, USA. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
L. Lebon, L. Limat, A. Gaillard, J. Beaumont, H. Lhuissier , "Viscoelastic liquid curtain, APS-DFD meeting 2015", Boston, USA. | CACI | 2015 | MDFC |
M. Coutin, D. Alibert, B. Porterie, "Intermediate-scale controlled-atmosphere calorimeter CADUCEE", 14th Int. Conf. Interflam, Nr Windsor, UK, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | CRGC |
M. De Gennaro, Y. Billaud, M. El Hajj, Y. Pizzo, B. Porterie, "Modeling wildfire spread and fighting with a meshless front-tracking method", Int. Conf. On Wildland Urban Interface Fires, Aix-en-Provence, 25-27th May 2016, | CACI | 2016 | CRGC |
M. Diop, S. Piponniau and P. Dupont ; "On the length and time scales of a laminar shock wave boundary layer interaction", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
L. Larchevêque ; "Low- and Medium-Frequency Unsteadinesses in a Transitional Shock-Boundary Reflection with Separation", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
T. Jiang, A.-M. Schreyer, L. Larchevêque, S. Piponniau, and P. Dupont ; "Velocity Spectrum Estimation in Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction,"54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
M. Waindim, M. Agostini, L. Larchevêque and V. Datta ; "Conditional analysis of unsteadiness in shock boundary layer interactions", 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani, L. Houas, M. Vandenboomgaerde and D. Souffland ; "Experimental investigation of the converging RichtmyerMeshkov instability in a conventional shock tube", 15th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Sydney, Australie, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
M. Vandenboomgaerde, D. Souffland, L. Biamino, G. Jourdan, C. Mariani and L. Houas ; "Numerical study of the converging RichtmyerMeshkov instability in a conventional shock tube", 15th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Sydney, Australie, 2016. | CACI | 2016 | ECOCI |
L. Couëdel, S. Barbosa, C. Arnas, F.R.A. Onofri ; "In-situ characterization of the dynamics of a growing dust particle cloud in a direct-current argon glow discharge, 19th Gaseous Electrons Meeting (GEM), Victoria, Australia 14-17 February | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, M. Sentis ; "Coupling of geometrical and physical optics approximations: scattering of light by large bubbles", 11th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016), X'ian, China, April 22-26th | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, Q. Gaubert, C. Pelcé, K.-F. Ren ; "On the characterization of the size and temperature of non-spherical droplets from the analysis on the rainbow scattering region", 11th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016), X'ian, China, April 22-26th | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
C. Montet, C. Pelcé, F.R.A. Onofri ; "Correction methods of sample cell effects when characterizing nanoparticle suspensions from multi-angle static light scattering", 11th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016), X'ian, China, April 22-26th | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
S. Barbosa, F.R.A. Onofri, L. Couëdel, C. Arnas ; "Investigation with light extinction spectroscopy of the dynamic of a growing dust particle cloud in plasma discharge", 11th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016), X'ian, China, April 22-26th | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, C. Nobili ; "Collapse of a water-saturated granular column in air", International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence, Italie, May 22 - 27. | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
Y. Zhou, P. Aussillous, P. Ruyer ; "The effect of air pressure gradients on the discharge of granular materials from a silo", International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence, Italie, May 22 - 27. | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
L. Bergougnoux, E. Guazzelli ; "Sedimentation of dilute suspensions of spheres at finite Reynolds numbers", International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence, Italie, May 22 - 27. | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
B. Marchetti, L. Bergougnoux L., G. Bouchet, E. Guazzelli ; "The motion of a cloud of solid spherical particles falling in a cellular flow field at low Stokes number", International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence, Italie, May 22 27. | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
B. Snook, J. E. Butler, E. Guazzelli ; "Dynamics of shear-induced migration of spherical particles in pipe flow", International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence, Italie, May 22 27. | CACI | 2016 | MDFC |
Z. Acem, G. Parent, P. Boulet, B. Porterie, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, C. Picard ; "Mise en évidence des propriétés démission des suies produites par un feu de végétation", SFT 2011. | CACN | 2011 | CRGC |
A. Aubert, F. Candelier et C. Solliec ; "Caractérisation expérimentale de la protection par film deau ruisselant dune paroi soumise à un flux radiatif", Société Française de Thermique, Perpignan, 24-27 Mai 2011. | CACN | 2011 | CRGC |
A. Aubert, F. Candelier et C. Solliec ; "Caractérisation de linfluence des instabilités de surface dun film deau ruisselant sur le transfert de chaleur pariétal", XXème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon 2011. | CACN | 2011 | CRGC |
R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin, B. Benkoussas & Ph. Bournot ; "Instabilités sur des fontaines thermiques et densimétriques se développant sur un plan incliné ", 15ème Journées Internationales de Thermique, JITH, Tlemcen (2011). | CACN | 2011 | CRGC |
C. Abid, M. Medale, R. Taher, A. Haddad, A. Benderradji ; "Caractérisation des structures découlements et des transferts thermiques associés dans une configuration de convection mixte de type Poiseuille-Raylaigh-Bénard", 2011, Journées Internationales de Thermique, Tlemcen, Algérie ,SePTembre 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
M. Medale, A. Haddad et C. Abid ; "Modèle numérique de convection mixte pour les liquides (eau) sous lapproximation des faibles nombres de Mach", Congrès français de Mécanique, Besançon, France, Août 2011, | CACN | 2011 | PT |
B.Sobac, D.Brutin ; "Séchage de goutte de sang humain", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2011, | CACN | 2011 | PT |
B.Sobac, D.Brutin, J.Gavillet ; "Mouillabilité et dynamique de la ligne triple contrôlée par nano-déposition : effets sur lévaporation dune goutte sessile", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2011, | CACN | 2011 | PT |
Gaspar J., Gardarein J.-L., Rigollet F., Le Niliot C., Corre Y. ; "Identification spatio-temporelle du flux incident sur les tuiles du divertor du tokamak JET : approche 2D non-linéaire", 2011, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 24-27 Mai, Perpignan, France. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
M. Ait Saada, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist ; "Transfert de chaleur et de masse au voisinage de la ligne de contact dune goutte deau posée sur un support solide", SFT2011, Perpignan, France, 24-27 Mai 2011 | CACN | 2011 | PT |
S. Zeguai, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, O. Rahli ; "Etude expérimentale des structures d'écoulements diphasiques air-eau en co-courant dans un tube circulaire sous diverses conditions d'entrées", 20eme Congrès Français de Mécanique, cfm2011, Besançon, France, 29 Août-2 SePTembre 2011 | CACN | 2011 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, O. Rahli, M. Kessal, H. Combeau ; "Etude expérimentale des transferts de chaleur en ébullition nucléée : Influence de l'orientation de la paroi de nucléation", actes du congrès SFT 2011, 6 pages, 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
F. Bonniol, C. Sierra, R. Occelli, L. Tadrist ; "Similitude en lit fluidisé gaz-solide: influence du distributeur et du plenum", 2011, AFM, Maison de la Mécanique, Courbevoie, 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
J-L. Gardarein, S. Löhle, J-L. Battaglia ; "Développement dun caPTeur miniaturisé pour la mesure de flux plasma à haute enthalpie", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, Perpignan, France, 24-27 Mai, 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
P. Kumar, F. Topin ; "Transferts de chaleur dans un tube déformé : Approche numérique de limpact de la dynamique de déformation", Congrès de la SFT 2011, Perpignan, Juin 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
Y. Jobic, F. Topin, R. Occelli ; "Dispersion en milieu poreux : approche LBM des transferts dans les mousses métalliques", Congrès de la SFT 2011, Perpignan, Juin 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
J.M. Hugo, F. Topin ; "Mesures et modélisation des propriétés effectives de mousse métalliques : Impact sur le design déchangeur ». Congrès de la SFT 2011, Perpignan, Juin 2011. | CACN | 2011 | PT |
A. Benedetti, M. Nicolas, B. Dalloz, P. Sornay ; "Écoulement dun grain sur un plan incliné lisse soumis à des vibrations", 20ième congrès français de mécanique (CFM), Besançon. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
L. Rondon, O. Pouliquen, P. Aussillous ; "Effondrement granulaires immergés", CFM 2011, Besançon | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, M. Pailha, J. Chauchat, E. Guazzelli ; "Charriage de particules dans un écoulement cisaillé", CFM 2011, Besançon. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
F. Guillard, Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Trainée et portance sur un obstacle dans un écoulement granulaire", CFM, 2011, Besançon. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
F. Boyer, E. Guazzelli, O. Pouliquen ; "Rheologie des suspensions denses", CFM 2011, Besançon | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
M. Colombani, Y. Forterre Y. ; "Mécanique des mouvements rapides dans les plantes : mesures de pression à léchelle cellulaire", CFM 2011, Besançon. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre, B. Sobac, M. Colombani ; "Dynamique de mousses poro élastiques", CFM 2011, Besançon. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
L. Bergougnoux, G. Bouchet, E. Guazzelli ; "Sédimentation de particules à travers un réseau de tourbillons", XXème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août 02 septembre 2011. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
C. Loux, G. Bouchet, R. Muller ; "Etude multi-échelles du mélange dans une géométrie originale", , XXème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août 02 septembre 2011. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
M. Chrust, G. Bouchet, J. Duek ; "Parametrical study of the transition scenario in the wake of oblate spheroids", XXème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août 02 septembre 2011. | CACN | 2011 | MDFC |
A. Koched, H. Pretrel, L. Audouin, O. Vauquelin & F. Candelier ; "Application de la PIV sur un écoulement de fumée à un passage de porte induit par une source incendie", 13ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, AFVL, Rouen (2012). | CACN | 2012 | CRGC |
B. Sobac, D. Brutin ; "Étude expérimentale de linfluence de la thermique du substrat sur lévaporation dune goutte sessile", 2012, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
D. Brutin, B. Sobac ; "Séchage de gouttes de nanofluides : influence de lhumidité relative et de la concentration massique", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique | CACN | 2012 | PT |
F. Carle, B. Sobac, D. Brutin ; "Instabilités thermo-capillaires dans des gouttes déthanol sévaporant à différents niveaux de gravité", 2012, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
A. Diana, T. Steinberg, D. Brutin ; "Analyse locale des transferts autour dune bulle unique de vapeur", 2012, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique | CACN | 2012 | PT |
S. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist, C. Marvillet ; "Critères de sélection de fluides de substitution pour l'étude de la condensation convective dans des échangeurs à plaques", Congrès français de Thermique, Bordeaux, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
G. Segond, S. Launay, C. Sierra, L. Tadrist, C. Marvillet ; "Système thermodynamique de récupération de chaleur sur l'air extrait des bâtiments pour la production d'eau chaude sanitaire", Congrès français de Thermique, Bordeaux, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
Gaspar J., Rigollet F., Gardarein J.-L., Le Niliot C., Corre Y. ; "Caractérisation spatio-temporelle de la résistance thermique dun dépôt fin : test numérique de faisabilité", 2012, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, Bordeaux, France, 29 Mai - 1er Juin, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, H. Combeau, M. Kessal ; "Etude expérimentale des transferts de chaleur en ébullition nucléée : Influence de la pression de saturation du fluide", actes du congrès SFT 2012, 6 pages, Bordeaux, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
Y. Jobic, F. Topin, R. Occelli ; "Dispersion en milieu poreux : approche LBM des transferts dans les mousses métalliques"», SFT2012, Bordeaux, France, 29 Mai 1 Juin, 2012. | CACN | 2012 | PT |
A. Benedetti, M. Nicolas, B. Dalloz, P. Sornay "Population de particules anguleuses s'écoulant individuellement sur un plan lisse vibré transversalement", 7ieme colloque Science et Technologie des Poudres, Toulouse. | CACN | 2012 | MDFC |
S. Barbosa, F. Onofri, M. Wozniak, L. Boufendi, E. Kovacevic, J. Berndt ; , "Etude de la Croissance de Nano-poudres de silicium par Spectroscopie dExtinction", 13ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2012), Rouen France, 18 21 Septembre | CACN | 2012 | MDFC |
F. Onofri, S. Radev, S. Barbosa, M. Krzysiek ; "Modèle physique de la diffusion de bulles sphéroïdales au voisinage de langle critique", 13ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2012), Rouen, France, 18-21 Septembre | CACN | 2012 | MDFC |
R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin & F. Candelier ; "Fontaines et panaches faibles non-Boussinesq en milieu stratifié", 16ème Journées Internationales de Thermique, JITH, Marrakech (2013). | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
B. Porterie ; "Lecture invitée" au congrès SFT", Gérardmer, 28-31 mai 2013. | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
R. Mehaddi, S. Vaux, O. Vauquelin & F. Candelier ; "Hauteur de fontaines retombantes ", 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, AFM, Bordeaux (2013). | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
S. Suard, A. Kacem, H. Martin, B. Porterie ; "Simulations prédictives dun feu dhydrocarbure - Etude de linfluence de la viciation de lair", CFM 2013, Bordeaux, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
B. Kadoch, A. Kaiss, Y. Pizzo, C. Lallemand, N. Sardoy , B. Porterie ; "Etude dun feu dans un ensemble de locaux ventilés mécaniquement", CFM 2013, Bordeaux, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
Y. Matar, F. Candelier et C. Solliec. ; "Étude expérimentale des interactions hydrody- namiques survenant lors de la nage anguilliforme dans une allée Bénard Von-Karman", XXIème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux 2013. | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
A. Daddi Moussa Ider, B. Benkoussas, R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin & F. Candelier ; "Panaches horizontaux non-Boussinesq en milieu homogène ", 16ème Journées Internationales de Thermique, JITH, Marrakech (2013). | CACN | 2013 | CRGC |
J. Giordano, Y. Burtschell ; "Confrontation d'un algorithme génétique avec un nouveau cas de référence: étude analytique et validation expérimentale sur l'optimisation d'une poutre en porte à faux", 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, 26 au 30 août, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | ECOCI |
B. Madani, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Experimental analysis of flow boiling pressure drop through copper foam"», Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, Aout 2013, | CACN | 2013 | PT |
F. Carle, B. Sobac, D. Brutin ; "Mise en évidence expérimentale de la contribution du transport convectif lors de lévaporation de gouttelettes sessiles", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
A. Diana, D. Brutin, M. Castillo, T. Steinberg ; "Croissance thermique asymétrique de bulles uniques de vapeur", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
W. BouZeid, D. Brutin ; "Influence de lhumidité relative sur létalement, le motif final et ladhésion dune goutte de sang séchée", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
S. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist, "Investigation des transferts thermiques locaux dans un échangeur à plaques par thermographie infrarouge", Congrès français de Thermique, Gerardmer, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
G. Segond, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "OPTimisation des performances d'un chauffe-eau thermodynamique avec récupération de chaleur sur l'air extrait des bâtiments", , Congrès français de Thermique, Gerardmer, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
Stéphane AMIEL, Thierry LOARER, Christine POCHEAU, Hélène ROCHE, Marie-Hélène AUMEUNIER2 , Eric GAUTHIER, Christophe LE NILIOT et Fabrice RIGOLLET ; "Mesures de température de surface des composants face au plasma dans les tokamaks par pyrométrie active", 2013, Congrès français de Thermique, Gérardmer, 28-31 mai 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
Nicolas LALANNE , Jean-Claude KRAPEZ , Christophe LE NILIOT , Xavier BRIOTTET ; "Modélisation du comportement thermique et du rendu à haute résolution dans l'infrarouge des surfaces externes d'un fragment urbain et des ponts thermiques des bâtiments", Congrès français de Thermique, Gérardmer, 28-31 mai 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
Koudadje, K., Delalondre, C., Medale, M., Carpreau, J.-M. ; "Contribution à l'étude de l'écoulement du fluide et du transfert de chaleur dans des bains de fusion au cours du soudage à l'arc TIG", Congrès Français de Mécanique 2013, Bordeaux, 26-30 Aout 2013, | CACN | 2013 | PT |
Medale, M., Cerisier, P. ; "Structures et patterns induits par des écoulements thermo-convectifs de type Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni", 2013, Congrès Français de Mécanique 2013, Bordeaux, 26-30 Aout 2013, | CACN | 2013 | PT |
Gaspar J., Rigollet F., Gardarein J.-L., Le Niliot C., Corre Y. ; "Identification expérimentale successive de flux surfacique et de propriétés thermophysiques de composant face au plasma du tokamak JET", 2013, Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 28-31 Mai, Gerardmer, France. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
M. Zamoum, L. Tadrist, H. Combeau, M. Kessal ; "Etude expérimentale des transferts de chaleur en ébullition nucléée sur un site artificiel isolé : Influence de lorientation de la paroi", actes du congrès SFT 2013, 8 pages, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
B. Madani, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Experimental analysis of flow boiling pressure drop through copper foam », Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, Aout 2013 | CACN | 2013 | PT |
L. Léal, P. Lavieille, M. Miscevic F. Pigache, L. Tadrist, F. Topin ; "Analyse de linfluence des inerties thermique et dynamique sur les conditions de déclenchement de la nucléation.", SFT2013, Gerardmer, France, Mai2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
C. Cadile, F. Topin, L. Tadrist ; "Etude dynamique et thermique dun lit fluidisé dense en Euler-Lagrange/DEM », SFT2013, Gerardmer, France, Mai2013, | CACN | 2013 | PT |
K. Sarraf, L. Launay, L. Tadrist, ; "Investigation des transferts thermiques locaux dans un échangeur à plaques par thermographie infrarouge", Proc. of Congrès Français de Thermique Gérardmer, 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
A. Maatar, S. Chikh, M. Ait Saada, L. Tadrist, ; "Influence de la volatilité lors de lévaporation instationnaire dune goutte sessile", Congrès SFT, Gérardmer, France, 28-31 Mai 2013. | CACN | 2013 | PT |
F. Guillard, Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Forces subies par un objet en mouvement dans un milieu granulaire", CFM 2013, Bordeaux. | CACN | 2013 | MDFC |
G. Bouchet, L. Bergougnoux, E. Guazzelli ; "Sédimentation de particules en écoulement tourbillonnaire", XXIème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, 26-30 août 2013. | CACN | 2013 | MDFC |
A. Koched, H. Pretrel, O. Vauquelin & L. Audouin ; "Utilisation de la stéréo PIV pour loptimisation des mesures de vitesses de fumées dincendie à un passage de porte par des sondes bidirectionnelles ", 14ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, AFVL, Marseille (2014). | CACN | 2014 | CRGC |
M. Creyssels, J. Le Clanche, C. Nicot, F. Candelier, R. Mehaddi, O. Vauquelin, P. Salizzoni ; "Modélisation dun incendie en tunnel par un panache thermique turbulent : effet dune ventilation longitudinale ", Congrès SFT 2014, Société Française de Thermique, Lyon (2014). | CACN | 2014 | CRGC |
Favrie, N., Gavrilyuk, S., & Ndanou, S. ; "Méthode des interfaces diffuses: une nouvelle approche pour le traitement de la fracturation dynamique, compaction", Congrès Français de Mécanique, M03 Rencontres Mathématiques Mécanique, 2014. | CACN | 2014 | CRGC |
A.M. Schreyer, P. Dupont, J. F. Debiève, V. Jaunet, and J. J. Lasserre ; "Développement dun système dual-piv pour lapplication en écoulements supersoniques", 14ème Congrès francophone de techniques laser, Marseille 2014. | CACN | 2014 | ECOCI |
F. Carle, D. Brutin ; "Développement dun modèle empirique décrivant lévaporation convective de gouttes sessiles de fluides volatiles",Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, 2014,. | CACN | 2014 | PT |
G. El Achkar, S. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Effet de la surchauffe de la vapeur sur le comportement thermo-hydraulique d'un échangeur à plaques brasées en condensation convective", Congrès français de Thermique, Lyon, 2014, ??? | CACN | 2014 | PT |
S. Sarraf, S. Launay, L. Tadrist ; "Analyse des transferts thermo-hydrauliques locaux dans un échangeur à plaques", Congrès français de Thermique, Lyon, 2014, | CACN | 2014 | PT |
Es Sakhy, R., Blancher, S., Le Guer, Y., El Omari, K., Medale, M. ; "Étude expérimentale de linfluence dun chauffage localisé sur la convection de Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni dans une couche liquide en récipient cylindrique", 2014, Congrès Français de Thermique 2014, Lyon, 3-6 juin 2014, | CACN | 2014 | PT |
Nguyen, M. C., Asserin, O., Gounand, S., Gilles, P., Medale, M. ; "Influence des principaux paramètres opératoires du procédé de soudage à larc TIG sur la géométrie du bain de fusion", 2014, Congrès Français de Thermique 2014, Lyon, 3-6 juin 2014. | CACN | 2014 | PT |
C. Cadile, P. Girod, F. Topin, Y. Rogaume, L. Tadrist ; "Etude expérimentale des cinétiques chimiques et de dynamique dévolution de densité dune particule de bois durant la gazéification à la vapeur deau", SFT2014, 1-3 Juin 2014, Lyon, France. | CACN | 2014 | PT |
C. Montet, M. Wozniak, P. Acosta-Alba, F. Onofri, ; "Vers la caractérisation d'agrégats de nanoparticules par Analyse de la diffusion statique de la lumière", 14ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2014), Marseille, France, 15-19 Septembre | CACN | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Sentis, F.R.A. Onofri, S. Martinez, F. Chauchard, O. Dhez, J.-Y. Laurent, ; "Les Photodétecteurs Organiques : une Avancée pour le Développement de Techniques Granulométriques Innovantes", 14ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2014), Marseille, France, 15-19 Septembre | CACN | 2014 | MDFC |
M. Wozniak, F.R.A. Onofri, ; "Sur la Caractérisation de la Taille et De la Morphologie d'Agrégats de Nanoparticules - Application aux suspensions, Aérosols et plasmas", 14ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2014), Marseille, France, 15-19 Septembre | CACN | 2014 | MDFC |
J-F. Louf, G. Guéna, E. Badel, Y. Forterre, ; "Mécano-perception longue distance chez les plantes : un couplage poro-élastique non-linéaire?", Proceeding des 17e Rencontres du Non-Linéaire (Lyon 2014). | CACN | 2014 | MDFC |
JJS Jerome, Y. Forterre, ; "Impact sur des suspensions granulaires denses : rôle clé du couplage entre dilatance de Reynolds et pression de pore", Proceeding des 17e Rencontres du Non-Lin ?eaire (Lyon 2014). | CACN | 2014 | MDFC |
K. Varrall, H. Pretrel, S. Vaux & O. Vauquelin ; « Mesure par Stéréo PIV dun écoulement de convection naturelle à travers un orifice horizontal ", 17ème Journées Internationales de Thermique, JITH, Marseille (2015). | CACN | 2015 | CRGC |
K. Varrall, O. Vauquelin, H. Pretrel & S. Vaux ; "Etude du débit déchange entre deux liquides non-miscibles à travers un orifice horizontal en convection naturelle ", Congrès SFT 2015, Société Française de Thermique, La Rochelle (2015). | CACN | 2015 | CRGC |
S. Sarraf, S. Launay, G. El Achkar, L. Tadrist ; "Analyse des transferts thermiques locaux lors de la condensation convective dans un échangeur à plaques corruguées", Congrès Français de Thermique, La Rochelle, 2015, | CACN | 2015 | PT |
S. Sarraf, S. Launay, G. El Achkar, L. Tadrist ; "Echangeur à plaques corruguées en mode condenseur : étude locale des transferts thermo-hydrauliques", 2015, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, août 2015. | CACN | 2015 | PT |
Le Niliot C., Lebon F., Hochard C., , Rodiet C., Rigollet F., Maurel-Pantel A., Gardarein J-L. ; "Estimation par méthodes spectrales régularisées de sources thermomécaniques localisées : validation numérique", Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, La Rochelle, France, , 26-29 Mai, 2015, | CACN | 2015 | PT |
A. Castillo, J. L. Gardarein, C. Rodiet, F. Rigollet,, C.Le Niliot ; "Estimation de sources de chaleur dans les matériaux minces", 2015, Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France, 24-28 Août 2015, | CACN | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar F. Topin ; "Différents arrangements des modèles simplifiés pour prédire la conductivité de mousses à cellules ouvertes", CFM (Congrès Français Mécanique), Lyon-France ; Aout 2015. | CACN | 2015 | PT |
P. Kumar F. Topin ; "Extension de modèle HashinShtrikman et introduction de la tortuosité effective de la phase solide pour prédire la conductivité effective thermique», SFT-2015, La Rochelle, May 2015, | CACN | 2015 | PT |
J.-E. Mathonnet, P. Sornay Philippe, B. Dalloz-Dubrujeaud, M. Nicolas ; "Cinétique de compaction dune poudre dUO2 soumise à des vibrations horizontales", Science et Technologie des Poudres et Matériaux Frittés, Nancy. | CACN | 2015 | MDFC |
J.-E. Mathonnet, P. Sornay Philippe, B. Dalloz-Dubrujeaud, M. Nicolas ; "Modèle stochastique de compaction d'une poudre cohésive". Congrès français de mécanique (Lyon). | CACN | 2015 | MDFC |
B. Marchetti, D. Lopez, L. Bergougnoux, E. Guazzelli, G. Bouchet ; "Sédimentation de particules en écoulement tourbillonnaire : effets collectifs et anisotropie", XXIIème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, 24-28 août 2015. | CACN | 2015 | MDFC |
F. Topin, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, L._Leal, L. Tadrist, J.M. Hugo, B. Nogarede, F. Pigache, M. Amokrane ; "Conduit constitutif dun échangeur de chaleur et échangeur de chaleur comprenant un tel conduit", Brevet FR1200473, 17 Février 2012. | BREVET | 2012 | PT |
S. Pons, M. Coutin, S. Luciani, C. Le Niliot, F. Rigollet ; "Selft-calibrated flow meter", Brevet FR2985019, 24 Janvier 2014. | BREVET | 2014 | PT |
A. Benedetti, P. Sornay, M. Brothier, B. Dalloz, M. Nicolas ; "Dispositif et procédé de transport de particules facettées". WO2014090952. | BREVET | 2014 | MDFC |
S. Launay ; "Dispositif et système de quantification d'énergie thermique utile disponible dans un réservoir", Patent WO2015155483 A1, FR3019881, 15 octobre 2015. | BREVET | 2015 | PT |
S. Launay, G. Segond ; "Dispositif distributeur de fluide à voies d'entrée/sortie fluidique multiples reconfigurables", Patent WO2015193606 A1, 23 décembre 2015. | BREVET | 2015 | PT |
S. Launay, K. Sarraf ; "Dispositif pour la transmission d'énergie cinétique d'un fluide moteur à un fluide récePTeur", Provisional Patent, N° de soumission 1000279501, 13 février 2015. | BREVET | 2015 | PT |
M. Amokrane, P. Lavieille, L . Leal, M. Miscevic, B. Nogarede, F. Pigache, L. Tadrist, F. Topin ; "Pipe Forming Part of a Heat Exchanger and Heat and Het Exchanger Comprising Such a Pipe", US Patent 20150362261. | BREVET | 2015 | PT |
S. Guignard ; "Rotor de type Savonius", WO2015150697, 8 Octobre 2015. | BREVET | 2015 | PT |
O. Igra, L. Houas ; "Experimental Methods of Shock Wave Research", O. Igra and F. Seiller Editors, Springer. | OUV/CHAP | 2016 | ECOCI |
Y. Forterre ; "Comment bouger sans muscle ? Lexemple de la Dionée"(invited), Bio/Math/Phy Workshop, laboratoire Dieudonné, Nice (21-23 novembre) | CI | 2011 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "Dense suspension rheology, normal stresses, and migratio"n Conférence invitée, minicolloque Fluides Complexes et Biologiques des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, Paris, France (16 mars). | CI | 2011 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "GK Batchelor Lecturer at Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics",University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) | CI | 2011 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Physique des mouvements rapides chez les plantes"(invited), Journées Physiques Statistiques JSTAT12, Paris (26-27 janvier) | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Rheology of dense granular flows"(invited), ESA workshop Dust and Grains in Low gravity and Space environment, Pays-Bas (2-4 avril) | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Probing the local and non-local rheology of dense granular flows (invited"), ICAM Conf. on active jammed systems, New York (26-28 mai) | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Physics of plant movements (keynote)", 7th Plant Biomechanics international conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Poroelasticity of soft structures", (lecture) Ecole de Physique des Houches"Soft interfaces », France (juillet 2012) | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Poroelasticity of soft materials : from elastic foams to plants", Fluid and Elasticity international conference, San Diego, USA (14-16 novembre) ? | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "Bed-load transport : experimental observation and two-phase modeling", nvited speaker, Workshop on Environmental and Extreme Multiphase Flows, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA (14-16 mars). | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "The erosion of granular beds under the action of fluid shearing flows"Invited speaker, Workshop on Multiscale Complex Fluid Flows and Interfacial Phenomena, Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Allemagne (29 novembre - 1 decembre). | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "the flow of grains: from granular media to ?suspensions (plenary) ? Euromech conference, Rome , | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "Rheology of very dense ?suspensions (Invited conference) ICAM Conf. on active jammed systems, New York. | CI | 2012 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Slow, fast and furious : understanding the physics of plant movements"(invited), International conference on biomimetics and neurotechnologies, Londres, Royaume-Uni (29 juillet-2 aout) | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Physics of plant movements : fast motion and gravitropism"(invited), Journées plénières du GDR CellTiss, Lyon, France (4-6 novembre) | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Morphogénèse et mouvements chez les plantes"(cours), Ecole Aux Rencontres de Peyresq « Morphogénèses : forces, formes et non-linéarité, Peresq, France (10-14 juin) | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "Dry and immersed granular flows (Invited?conference), Colloque Michelin, ESPCI , Paris. | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "The motion of spherical particles falling in a cellular flow field"Invited Keynote, COST Particles in turbulence 2013, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (1-5 July). | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "The motion of spherical particles falling in a cellular flow field"Invited Lecture, Workshop Numerical Modelling of Grains/Fluid Mixtures, ENS Lyon, November 5th & 6th 2013. | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "Bâtonnets sous cisaillement oscillant présentation"invitée, Journée Etienne Guyon, ESPCI, 18 novembre 2013. | CI | 2013 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Dense granular flows : toward an hydrodynamic description"(invited), workshop simulation of avalanches : modelling and numeric, Sevilla, Espagne (11-14 mars) | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Fast movement in plants : lesson from the Venus flytrap"(invited), COMPO2014 international conference on nanocomposite and biocomposite, Weizmann institute, Israel (28 avril-2 mai) | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre ; "Object moving in grains : lift force and impact in dense ssupensions"(invited), MIT-MIDI international conference on Modeling granular media across scales, Montpellier, France (28 avril-2 mai) | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "Flowing soft matter: bridging the gap between statistical ?physics and Fluid mechanics (Cours) ? EcoleCISM, Udine Italie. | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "Moving in a granular medium, Condensed Matter CMD25-JMC14, Paris. (semi?plenary). | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
L. Bergougnoux ; "Sédimentation dans les suspensions, Journée scientifique de la Fed3G, Grenoble, France, (19 mars) | CI | 2014 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre "How plant feel gravity : a force or position sensor (invited)", International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior (invited), Paris, France (29 juin-2 juillet) | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre "Soft matter physics in plants : mechano-perception and gravisensing"(plenary), SOFTCOMP annual meeting, Ancone, Italie (9-11 juin) | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
Y. Forterre "How plant feel gravity : a force or a position senso"r (invited), Multiscale Modeling of Cell Wall Mechanics and Growth in Walled Cells, Banff, Canada (18-23 octobre) | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "How plants feel gravity: a granular problem ", Challenges in Nonlinear Systems: a meeting to celebrate the 65th birthday of Professor Tom Mullin (invited ?conference). | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "Suspensions of non-colloidal particles in yield-stress fluids », SoftComp Topical Workshop : dense suspensions flows, Edinburg (invited ?conference) | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "Rheology of dense suspensions Hands-on School and Keynote", Southern Workshop on Granular Materials 2015, November 26 - December 3, 2015, Santiago, Chile | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
F. Onofri ; , "Light-scattering by particles: a few physical phenomena & laboratory diagnostics", Worshop"Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions (SFB-TRR75)", Stuttgart (keynote) | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
B. Metzger ; "Origin of the shear-thickening transition ", workshop : Labex TEC21, Grenoble. | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
H. Lhuissier ; "Sea spray », Lorentz Center Workshop: Liquid Fragmentation in Nature and Industry, June 29 July 3, Leiden, Netherlands. | CI | 2015 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "Rheology of dense suspensions of non colloidal spheres in Newtonian and yield-stress fluids"Keynote Flowing Matter 2016, Porto (Portugal), 11- 15 janvier 2016 | CI | 2016 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli ; "The erosion of granular beds under the action of fluid shearing flows"Keynote GEOFLO16 Max Planck Institute in Dresden (Germany), 14- 18 mars 2016 | CI | 2016 | MDFC |
O. Pouliquen ; "rheology of highly dense suspensions ", workshop : rheology of Flow and processing Highly filled material. | CI | 2016 | MDFC |
I. Graur "Gas-liquid interface simulations in the light of the kinetic theory," International Symposium and School of Young Scientists, Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia (keynote) 2016 | CI | 2016 | ECOCI |
P. Guillemant, " Le passé serait-il instable ? " conférence inaugurale du colloque « Approches pluridisciplinaires de la conscience », Institut dEtudes Avancées de Nantes, 25 février 2016 | CI | 2016 | PT |
D. Brutin, "Role of the triple line in the physics of evaporation and boiling", FOM, Dutch Physics Conference, 19-20 January 2016, Veindhoven, The Netherlands | CI | 2016 | PT |
D. Brutin"Role of the triple line in the physics of evaporation, International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena", Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 12-16th, 2016. | CI | 2016 | PT |
S. Gavrilyuk ; "Multiphase Flow Modeling via Hamiltons Principle", in the book `Variational Models and methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, F. dellIsola and S. Gavrilyuk Eds., CISM Courses and lectures, v. 535, Springer, 2011 | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | CRGC |
Aeronautics and Astronautics ; "Chapter 5 : Title: Physico - "Chemical Modelling in Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flow around Blunt Bodies", Authors: Ghislain Tchuen and Yves Burtschell (ISBN 978-953-307-473-3) 2011, | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | CRGC |
Hugo, J.-M. and F. Topin ; "Metal Foams Design for Heat Exchangers: Structure and Effectives Transport Properties, in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media", Springer-Verlag, Editors Delgado, J.M.P.Q., ISBN 978-3-642-21966-5. | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | PT |
J.M. Hugo, E. Brun, F. Topin ; "Metal foam effective transport properties", in Heat Transfer / Book 3, ISBN 978-953-307-583-9. | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | PT |
F. Rigollet, C. Le Niliot ; "Front Face Thermal Characterization of Materials by a Photothermal Pulse Technique", 2011, in Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, Series Heat Transfer, ChaPTer 19, pp 655-673, Edited by H. R.B. Orlande, O. Fudym, D. Maillet, R. Cotta. Published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781439845554 | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | PT |
B. Andreotti, Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen, ; "Les milieux Granulaires: entre fluide et solide", 550 pages, 2011 (EDP Sciences/CNRS Editions). | OUV/CHAP | 2011 | MDFC |
Kumar P., F. Topin, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, L. Tadrist ; "Heat transfer enhancement in short corrugated mini-tubes", in Numerical Heat and mass transfer in porous media, Springer-Verlag, ISBN:978-3-642-30531-3. | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | PT |
É. Guazzelli, J. F. Morris (Illustrated by Sylvie Pic) ; "A physical introduction to suspension dynamics", Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Cambridge University Press (Hardback ISBN :9780521193191, Paperback ISBN :9780521149273). | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
É. Guazzelli, J. F. Morris (Illustrated by Sylvie Pic) ; "A physical introduction to suspension dynamics", Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Cambridge University Press (Hardback ISBN :9780521193191, Paperback ISBN :9780521149273). | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, É. Guazzelli, Y. Peysson ; "Two-Phase Modeling of Bedload Transport in Erosion of Geomaterial"s, Bonelli S. ed., Wiley/ISTE (ISBN : 9781848213517). | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
P. Aussillous, É. Guazzelli, Y. Peysson ; "Modélisation diphasique du transport par charriage in Érosion des géomatériaux : érosion interne et de surface"(Traité MIM, sérieenvironnement et risque, Bonelli S. éditeur, Hermes/Lavoisier (ISBN : 9782746225701). | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa ; "Chapter 1: Basics on light scattering properties of small particles, in"Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics", A. Boutier, ed. (Wiley-ISTE, London), ISBN: 9781848213982, pages-66 | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa ; "Chapter 2: Optical particle characterization", in"Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics", A. Boutier, ed. (Wiley-ISTE, London), ISBN: 9781848213982, pages 67-158 | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa ; "Chapitre 1: Diffusion de la lumière", dans"Métrologie laser pour la mécanique des fluides: granulométrie et techniques spectroscopiques", A. Boutier, ed. (Lavoisier, Paris), ISBN : 978-2-7462-3822-0, pages 9-84. | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, S. Barbosa ; "Chapitre 2: Granulométrie Optique dans"Métrologie laser pour la mécanique des fluides: granulométrie et techniques spectroscopiques", A. Boutier, ed. (Lavoisier, Paris), ISBN : 978-2-7462-3822-0, pages 85-178. | OUV/CHAP | 2012 | MDFC |
; "Granular media: between fluid and solid" | OUV/CHAP | 2013 | MDFC |
Benaicha Mouhcine, Jalbaud Olivier, Burtschell Yves ; "Caractérisation des bétons: BAP, BHP et BFUP", 212 pages, éditeur : Presses Académiques Francophone, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-8381-7635-2. | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | CRGC |
P. Guillemant ; "La Route du Temps, Edition : Le Temps Présent", 1 avril 2014, ISBN:9782351851630. | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | PT |
Y. Forterre, O. Pouliquen ; "Milieux granulaires", in La matière en désordre, Guyon E, Hulin J.-P. et Bideau D. éditeurs, EDP Sciences/CNRS Éditions (ISBN EDP Sciences 978-2-7598-1069-7, ISBN CNRS Éditions 978-2-271-08243-5) pages 84?99. | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | MDFC |
L. Bergougnoux, É. Guazzelli ; "Suspensions ", in La matière en désordre, Guyon E, Hulin J.-P. et Bideau D. éditeurs, EDP Sciences/CNRS Éditions (ISBN EDP Sciences 978-2-7598-1069-7, ISBN CNRS Éditions 978-2-271-08243-5) | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | MDFC |
S. Gavrilyuk, N. Makarenko et S. Sukhinin ; "Ondes dans les Milieux Continus", édition de lUniversité de Novossibirsk, Russie, 110 pages (en Russe). | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | CRGC |
D. Brutin ; "Droplet Wetting and Evaporation : from pure to complex fluids", Elsevier, Academic Press, 20 Mai 2015, ISBN: 9780128007228, vendus à 160 exemplaires au 30 Mars 2016. | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | PT |
Medale, M., Semenov, S., Brutin, D. ; "Flow Stability, 2015, Droplet Wetting and Evaporation, from Pure to Complex Fluids", edited by D. Brutin, Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 203-219, 2015. | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | PT |
F. Carle, D. Brutin, F. Rigollet ; "Radiative heat transfer in droplets", Droplet Wetting and Evaporation: From Pure to Complex Fluids, pp193-198, ISBN: 978-2-7466-6420-3, 2015. | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | PT |
P. Guillemant ; "La physique de la conscience", Edition Tredaniel La Maisnie, 8 Juin 2015, ISBN : 978-2813208415, 2015. | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | PT |
N. Belouaggadia, C. Abid, R. Brun ;"Eléments fondamentaux des transferts thermiques", Cépaduès Editions, ISSN : 9782364935129, 2015. | OUV/CHAP | 2015 | PT |
H. Combeau, L. Tadrist ;"ouvrage"Changements de phase solide-liquide-vapeur", Ouvrage en deux tomes de 400 pages chacun regroupant une quarantaine dauteurs. Editions du CNRS à paraitre 2016. | OUV/CHAP | 2016 | PT |
D. Brutin, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, M. Lallemand ; "Ébullition et condensation convectives en milieu confiné", Chapitre dans un ouvrage « Changements de phase solide-liquide-vapeur », editeurs H. Combeau, L. Tadrist, édition CNRS, 2016. | OUV/CHAP | 2016 | PT |
F. Topin ; "Ebullition en Milieux Poreux : Un panorama des approches macroscopiques", Le changement de phase et ses applications, CNRS Ed Sous presse, 2016. | OUV/CHAP | 2016 | PT |
F.R.A. Onofri, L. Pietri, ; Recueil des actes (Université Aix-Marseille, Marseille ; ISBN: 978-2-9537649-2-5). | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | MDFC |
F.R.A. Onofri, B. Stout, 2014, (Aix-Marseille University, Marseille ; ISBN: 978-2-9548080-0-0). | OUV/CHAP | 2014 | MDFC |