
SOFT – Complex Fluids & Solids



  • Max BELZONS (professor, happy retired man)
  • Ignacio Andrade (Post-Doc 2020-2023, Now post-doc in Chili)
  • Marie Poulain Darcos (Now Assistant prof at LMFA Lyon France)
  • Davide Di Gusto (PhD 2020-2023, Now working for Thales)
  • Shivakumar ATHANI (post-doc in Sydney with Itai Einav)
  • Nicolas LEVERNIER (Now CNRS Researcher at CINAM)
  • Coraline LLORENS looking for a great position in a Bio-Mechanics Company.
  • Sandip MANDAL (Assistant Prof. at Indian Institute of Technology ISM, Dhanbad)
  • Jeongeun RYU (Post-Doc in the group of Prof. Hutchens Urbana Champaign)
  • Franco TAPIA (Post-Doc somewhere between Santa Barbara, Dresden, Marseille and Japan…)
  • Alice BILLON (Actor in theator school in Rome)
  • Bruno ETCHEVERRY (now PRAG BUT Mesures Physiques St Jerôme)
  • Adrien GANS (now Assistant Prof at LEMTA Univ. Nancy)
  • Quentin GAUBERT (Engineer at Exavision)
  • Cédric MONTET (CEO & founder @
  • Mariam OUATTARA
  • Mathieu Souzy (CR INRAe UMR RECOVER south of France)
  • Saif SHAIKH
  • Scott STREDNAK (R&D Scientist North Coralina USA)
  • Hugo PERRIN (now Assistant Prof at FAST Orsay)
  • Baptiste DARBOIS-TEXIER (now CNRS Researcher at FAST, Orsay)
  • Cécile CLAVAUD ( now Assistant Prof in Rennes)
  • Ouardia AIT OUCHEGGOU (PhD 2016-2020, now engineer-CDI)
  • Aloïs de RIVAS (post-doc 2018-2020)
  • Nahed-Sihem BOUNOUA
  • Loren JØRGENSEN (post-doc 2015-2017, post-doc à l’ESPCI, IR CNRS SIMM Lab ESPCI, Paris)
  • Benjamin MARCHETTI (PhD 2015-2018, now high school teacher)
  • Yixian ZHOU (PhD 2013-2016)
  • Zhen haï ZOU (PhD 2016-2019)
  • Antoine BERUT (now MCF at ILM and University of Lyon)
  • Hugo CHAUVET (Now IR at  Synchrotron SOLEIL)
  • Arnaud BENEDETTI (PhD 2009-2012)
  • Meberika BENYAMINE (visiting scientist 2015-2016, Maître Assistant A, Faculté de Technologie, Département de Génie Mécanique, Université de Béchar, Algérie)
  • François Boyer (PhD 2008-2011, Chaire Immunopathologie ALURAD-Fondation partenariale de l’Université de Limoges  CRIBL UMR7276, Limoge)
  • Hervé CAPART (visiting scientist in 2015-2016, Pr. Department of Civil Engineering, National Taïwan University)
  • Cyril CASSAR (PhD 2002-2005, now at IFP Energies Nouvelles)
  • Julien CHAUCHAT (post-doct 2008-2009, now MCF at LEGI and INP Grenoble)
  • Joris CHATEAU (PhD 2015-2018, now post-doc Dept Mechanics of Complex Fluids, Max-Planck Institute)
  • Mathieu COLOMBANI (PhD 2010-2013, now high school teacher in Corsica!)
  • Etienne COUTURIER (post-doc, now CNRS researcher at laboratoire MSC )
  • Simon DAGOIS-BOHY (post-doc, now MCF at LMFA and University of Lyon)
  • Paul Duru (PhD 1998-2001, now MCF at IMFT and INP Tousouse)
  • Céline GOUJON (PhD 2001-2004, now teacher in high school)
  • François GUILLARD (PhD 2010-2013, now Assistant Professor at the University of Sydney)
  • Jean Philippe MATAS (PhD 2000-2003, now Professor at LMFA and University of Lyon)
  • Daniel CHEHATA (PhD 2004-2007, now Lecturer at the University of Twente, Netherland)
  • Pierre JOP (PhD 2003-2006, now CNRS researcher at Laboratoire Surface du Verre et Interfaces CNRS/Saint Gobain)
  • Diego LOPEZ (post-doc 2013-2015, now MCF at LMFA)
  • Jean-François LOUF (PhD 2012-2015, now post-doc à Princeton)
  • Li-Hua LUU (PhD 2007-2011, now post-doc à l’INRAE Aix-en-Provence)
  • Hau NGUYEN (PhD 2001-2014)
  • Malika OURIEMI (PhD 2004-2007 with IFPEN, now at IFPEN Lyon)
  • Jean-Eric MATHONNET (PhD 2013-2016 with CEA)
  • Mickaël PAILHA (PhD 2006-2009, now MCF at Chambéry)
  • Florent PIGNATEL (PhD 2007-2010, now high-school teacher)
  • Pierre ROGNON (post-doc 2011-2012, now Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney)
  • Loic RONDON (PhD 2008-2011, now high-school teacher)
  • Anki Katha REDDY (post-doc 2009-2010, now at the département of physics, Clark University, Worcester MA)
  • J. John Soundar JEROME (post-doc 2013-2014, now MCF at University Claude Bernard Lyon1 at LMFA)
  • Braden SNOOK (PhD 2012-2015, now at Shell, Houston, USA)
  • Anne LENOBLE (PhD 2001-2004 with Saint-Gobain Recherche, now high-school teacher)
  • Jonathan WORMS (PhD student 2007-2008 with CEA-IRMF, now with DCNS, Nantes, France)
  • Mariusz KRZYSIEK (PhD 2006-2009 with Wroclaw Technical University, now with Philips Lighting, Wroclaw, Poland)
  • Mariusz Wozniak (PhD 2009-2012 with Wroclaw Technical University, now at the Institute of Physics, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Matthias SENTIS (PhD 2011-2014, now with Formulaction, Toulouse, France)
  • Cédric MONTET (PhD 2013-2016, now with Solent – Safran Landing Systems, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France)
  • Mariam OUATTARA (PhD 2014-2017 with CEA, now with AdvEOTec, Evry-Courcouronnes, France)
  • Quentin GAUBERT (PhD 2014-2017 with IFP-EN, now with
     Exavision, Montpellier, France)